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Incoming liaisons for: S3-118

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CC: 5GMRR Doc 49_07 - Second LS to 3GPP CT4 on recursive JSON structures get it LS to 3GPP CT4 on recursively defined JSON structures and reply to LS C4-241343 2024-08-20
TO: C1-244647 get it LS on including the HPLMN ID in the PC5 discovery messages for 5G ProSe UE-to-UE relay 2024-08-27
TO: C1-245039 get it LS on UE behaviour in case of SUCI calculation failure 2024-08-27
TO: C1-245048 get it Reply LS on Mitigation of Downgrade attacks 2024-08-27
CC: C4-243520 get it Reply LS on recursively defined JSON structures and reply to LS C4-241343 2024-09-04
TO: C4-243671 get it Reply-LS on GSMA CVD-2023-0069 5G Core Network Attacks 2024-09-04
TO: LS to reply 3GPP Reply-LS on PQC Migration get it LS reply to 3GPP Reply-LS on PQC Migration 2024-08-12
CC: R1-2407364 get it Reply LS on Clarification of requirements for Ambient IoT 2024-08-26
TO: R2-2407602 get it LS on security key update of inter-CU SCG LTM 2024-09-10
CC: R3-244785 get it Reply LS on the Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies 2024-08-27
TO: R3-244831 get it Response LS to SA3 on architecture of NR Femto 2024-08-27
CC: R5-245464 get it Response LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-11
TO: RP-242389 get it LS on AIML data collection 2024-09-11
CC: S1-242347 get it Reply LS on Clarifications related to User Identities 2024-08-22
CC: S1-242527 get it Reply LS on Clarification of requirements for Ambient IoT 2024-09-02
TO: S2-2407207 get it LS on security considerations for 5G ProSe multi-hop relays 2024-06-03
CC: S2-2408691 get it LS Reply on ""A Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies"" 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2409022 get it LS on Completion of 5WWC_Ph2 (R18) work 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2409440 get it Reply LS on clarifications on consent management 2024-09-02
TO: S2-2409441 get it LS Reply to Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) 2024-09-03
CC: S2-2409442 get it Reply LS on KI#3 UE-Satellite-UE Communication Architectures 2024-09-03
CC: S2-2409544 get it Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE 2024-08-26
TO: S4-241373 get it LS on enhancement to the protocol stack of IMS Data Channel 2024-05-24
CC: S4-241684 get it LS Reply on Newly Published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-02
CC: S5-244662 get it LS reply to IETF Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling Working Group on ""A Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies"" 2024-09-02
CC: S5-245162 get it LS Reply on Internal 5G Core information expose to trusted AF 2024-09-02
TO: S6-242714 get it LS on Clarification related to Internal 5G Core information expose to trusted AF 2024-05-24
CC: S6-243763 get it LS on SA6 Answer to GSMA LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-08-26
TO: S6-243764 get it LS on CAPIF phase 3 security considerations 2024-08-26
TO: SAGE-24-04 LS to SA3 on version 2.0 of AICI get it Version 2.0 of 256-bit AICI. 2024-08-12
TO: sp17-sg17-oLS-00140 get it LS on SG17 new work item ITU-T X.5Gsec-FMSC: Security requirements and guidelines for fixed, mobile and satellite convergence of IMT-2020 networks and beyond 2024-09-16
TO: sp17-sg17-oLS-00155 get it LS on SG17 new work item ITU-T TR.IMT2030-sec-con: ""Security Consideration for IMT2030 Networks"" 2024-09-16
TO: sp17-sg17-oLS-00157 get it LS on SG17 new work item TR.sa_RAN - Technical Report on ""Security Attacks in Radio Access Networks"" 2024-09-16
TO: SP-241387 get it LS on Way forward on working agreement #63 2024-09-16
CC: SP-241404 get it Reply LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-16
CC: SP-241405 get it LS on maintaining specification consistency between GSMA and 3GPP on 5G roaming over roaming intermediaries. 2024-09-16
CC: SP-241419 get it LS on Further Clarification for Ambient IoT Security 2024-09-16
CC: SP-241421 get it Reply LS on CEN's requirements for eCall over IMS 2024-09-16
Number of incoming LS documents: 38

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page last updated: 2024-09-20 08:43:28