Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S3-44 - 2006-07-11 to 2006-07-14, Tallinn

meeting id: S3-44 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S3‑060386 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060387 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060388 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060389 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060390 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060391 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060392 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060393 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060394 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060395 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060396 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060397 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060398 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060399 - - imported from 3GU
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S3‑060401 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060402 - - imported from 3GU
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S3‑060439 - - imported from 3GU
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S3‑060473 - - imported from 3GU
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S3‑060476 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060477 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060478 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060479 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060480 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060481 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060482 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060483 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060484 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060485 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060486 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060487 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060488 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060489 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060490 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060491 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060492 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060493 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060494 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060495 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060496 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060497 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060498 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060499 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060500 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060501 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060502 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060503 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060504 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060505 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060506 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060507 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060508 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060509 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060510 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060511 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060512 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060513 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060514 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060515 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060516 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060517 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060518 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060519 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060520 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060521 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060522 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060523 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060524 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060525 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060526 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060527 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060528 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060529 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060530 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060531 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060532 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060533 - - imported from 3GU
S3‑060534 - - -
S3‑060536 Reply LS on Security Architecture for Message Security in Mobile Web Services S3 -
S3‑060537 Reply LS on Continuing dialogue regarding IEEE 802.11u requirements S3 -
S3‑060538 Reply LS to SA2 on “Extension of protocol used on Ww interface” S3 -
S3‑060539 - - -
S3‑060540 Correction to protocol used in Wx reference point - -
S3‑060541 - - -
S3‑060542 LS on Secure Authenticated Channel S3 -
S3‑060543 Reply LS on “MBMS Broadcast mode for Mobile TV” S3 -
S3‑060544 BM-SC chooses MUK lifetime less than corresponding GBA Key lifetime - -
S3‑060545 Correcting http syntax of key management procedures - -
S3‑060546 Correcting http syntax of key management procedures - -
S3‑060547 Addition of a "2G GBA allowed" flag in MBMS user service announcement - -
S3‑060549 Correction of incorrect description of BM-SC - -
S3‑060550 Removing TAG and MKI length from Service Announcement - -
S3‑060551 Removing TAG and MKI length from Service Announcement - -
S3‑060552 Correction of possible key ID values - -
S3‑060553 Removal of MIKEY internal keys - -
S3‑060554 Reply LS on selective disabling of UE capabilities S3 -
S3‑060555 Usage of HTTP POST method - -
S3‑060556 Service based data management - -
S3‑060557 Liberty ID-WSF and GBA interworking architecture - -
S3‑060558 Clarifications and corrections - -
S3‑060559 TS 33.108 - WLAN Interworking Interception Details (v7.0) - -
S3‑060560 Editorial Update by rapporteur - -
S3‑060561 LS on work progress of the document “security aspects of inter-access mobility between non 3GPP and 3GPP systems” S3 -
S3‑060562 - - -
S3‑060563 LS on the choice between UMTS AKA and EAP AKA for LTE access S3 -
S3‑060564 - - -
S3‑060565 LS on MAC, RLC and RRC layer security S3 -
S3‑060566 Reply LS to "LS on User and Control Plane Security Layer for E-UTRAN S3 -
S3‑060567 LS on User Plane Integrity Protection for LTE S3 -
S3‑060568 Reply LS to "Security aspects on S1 interface" S3 -
S3‑060569 - - -
S3‑060570 Liaison Statement secure channel requirements S3 -
S3‑060571 Reply LS on the Vocabulary TR, TR 21.905 S3 -
S3‑060572 - - -
S3‑060573 - - -
S3‑060574 Correction of statement on use of temporary public user identities - -
S3‑060575 Reply LS on "Support of multiple simultaneous IMS registrations" S3 -
S3‑060576 Reply LS on “Coexistence of NASS-IMS bundled authentication” S3 -
S3‑060577 LS to SA on Scope of SA3 work on Co-existence of authentication mechanisms for IMS S3 -
S3‑060578 - - -
S3‑060579 Correction of text on check of IP addresses - -
S3‑060580 Correction of SIP Privacy reference errors - -
S3‑060581 Correction of SIP Privacy reference errors - -
S3‑060582 Removal of editor’s note - -
S3‑060583 Check for duplicate (IP address, port) pairs also in re-registrations - -
S3‑060584 Check for duplicate (IP address, port) pairs also in re-registrations - -
S3‑060585 Check for duplicate (IP address, port) pairs also in re-registrations - -
S3‑060586 Removing Confidentiality indication from SM8 - -
S3‑060587 Using TCAPsec within a hub-and-spoke architecture - -
S3‑060588 Reply LS to “Security mechanism on Mc Interface” S3 -
S3‑060589 Clarifying the use of RFC3554 - -
S3‑060590 Clarifying the use of RFC3554 - -
S3‑060591 Issues concerning the security of inter-operator IP-based communications S3 -
S3‑060592 - - -
S3‑060593 Extending NDS/AF to support TLS - -
S3‑060594 Clarifications and corrections - -
S3‑060595 SA3 response on DoS attacks through NAS Registration Reject messages S3 -
S3‑060596 Reply LS on algorithm change S3 -
S3‑060597 - - -
S3‑060598 Verification of UE information and key management - -
S3‑060599 Event monitoring principles for GAA/GBA - -
S3‑060600 Clarification of notes - -
S3‑060601 Corrections of some incorrect reference - -
S3‑060602 Sending FQDN over Zn - -
S3‑060603 Sending FQDN over Zn - -
S3‑060604 Using pseudonyms over Zn to ensure service continuity - -
S3‑060605 Correction to the UICC selection procedure in GBA - -
S3‑060606 Correction to the UICC selection procedure in GBA - -
S3‑060607 Clarification of using HTTP digest with HTTPS - -
S3‑060608 - - -
S3‑060609 - - -
S3‑060610 Corrections and updates of references - -
S3‑060611 - - -
S3‑060612 Proposed changes to the Interworking cases section - -

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