Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S2-43 - 2004-11-15 to 2004-11-19, Seoul

meeting id: S2-43 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S2‑043420 - - -
S2‑043421 - - -
S2‑043422 - - -
S2‑043423 - - -
S2‑043424 - - -
S2‑043425 - - -
S2‑043426 - - -
S2‑043427 - - -
S2‑043428 - - -
S2‑043429 - - -
S2‑043430 - - -
S2‑043431 - - -
S2‑043432 - - -
S2‑043433 - - -
S2‑043434 - - -
S2‑043435 - - -
S2‑043436 - - -
S2‑043437 - - -
S2‑043438 - - -
S2‑043439 - - -
S2‑043440 - - -
S2‑043441 - - -
S2‑043442 - - -
S2‑043443 - - -
S2‑043444 - - -
S2‑043445 - - -
S2‑043446 - - -
S2‑043447 - - -
S2‑043448 - - -
S2‑043449 - - -
S2‑043450 - - -
S2‑043451 - - -
S2‑043452 - - -
S2‑043453 - - -
S2‑043454 - - -
S2‑043455 - - -
S2‑043456 - - -
S2‑043457 - - -
S2‑043458 - - -
S2‑043459 - - -
S2‑043460 - - -
S2‑043461 - - -
S2‑043462 - - -
S2‑043463 - - -
S2‑043464 - - -
S2‑043465 - - -
S2‑043467 - - -
S2‑043471 Various editorial corrections - -
S2‑043472 Missing step in identity procedure - -
S2‑043473 Correction to PSTN Termination - -
S2‑043474 Removal of GLMS - -
S2‑043475 Removal of support for local services - -
S2‑043476 Removal of Editor's Note on ISC - -
S2‑043477 Changes to SIP URL terminology - -
S2‑043478 Reorganization and clarification of session flows - -
S2‑043479 Addition of Application Server termination section - -
S2‑043480 Changes for commonality in regards to token generation - -
S2‑043481 - - -
S2‑043482 - - -
S2‑043483 - - -
S2‑043484 - - -
S2‑043485 - - -
S2‑043486 - - -
S2‑043487 How to Avoid Overloading the Central Server after Sending Service Announcement - -
S2‑043488 MBMS Architecture Modification - CBC Part - -
S2‑043489 MBMS Charging Related Correction - -
S2‑043490 MBMS Architecture Related Correction - -
S2‑043491 General editorial correction for MBMS - -
S2‑043492 Clarification of MBMS UE Linking handling - -
S2‑043493 - - -
S2‑043494 Correct the inconsistency between IMS stage 2 and stage 3 - -
S2‑043495 - - -
S2‑043496 - - -
S2‑043497 - - -
S2‑043498 - - -
S2‑043499 - - -
S2‑043500 - - -
S2‑043501 - - -
S2‑043504 - - -
S2‑043505 Restrict the registration of SGSN - -
S2‑043506 MBMS Broadcast Session Stop Procedure - -
S2‑043507 MBMS De-Registration procedure for Broadcast service - -
S2‑043508 - - -
S2‑043509 Abolish the MBMS NSAPI concept - -
S2‑043511 Separate MBMS Sessions for 2G and 3G for same MBMS Bearer Service - -
S2‑043512 Revision of PLMN selection procedure - -
S2‑043513 Revision of Ww reference point definition - -
S2‑043514 Correction and supplements to the W-APN resolution and Tunnel establishment procedure - -
S2‑043515 Suppliment to the subscriber profile procedure - -
S2‑043516 Selection of the ways to access the Internet - -
S2‑043517 Addition of reference - -
S2‑043518 selecting the charging rule - -
S2‑043519 Security considerations between CRF and AF - -
S2‑043520 Selection of the appropriate CRF by a TPF for a user in GPRS. - -
S2‑043521 Insertion of List of PMM-CONNECTED UEs into MBMS Service Context - -
S2‑043522 Use of Generally Defined MBMS Terms - -
S2‑043523 Correction on the location service request - -
S2‑043524 Correction in the section 7.1.1 - -
S2‑043525 Clarifications on the LCS authorisation response - -
S2‑043526 Correction in the section 7.1.1 - -
S2‑043527 Delete new address of MSC/SGSN from Subscriber Location Report - -
S2‑043528 Add a definition of SLA - -
S2‑043529 Clarification of the TPF/CRF dialogue - -
S2‑043530 Clarification of volume and time based charging - -
S2‑043531 clarification of online charging procedure - -
S2‑043532 Introduction of charging correlation ID - -
S2‑043533 Clarification of change of area event procedure - -
S2‑043534 Revision of session set-up from external SIP client - -
S2‑043535 - - -
S2‑043536 - - -
S2‑043537 - - -
S2‑043538 - - -
S2‑043539 - - -
S2‑043540 - - -
S2‑043541 - - -
S2‑043542 - - -
S2‑043543 - - -
S2‑043544 - - -
S2‑043545 - - -
S2‑043546 - - -
S2‑043547 - - -
S2‑043548 Clarification on delivery order set to no - -
S2‑043549 Clarification on delivery order set to no - -
S2‑043551 - - -
S2‑043552 - - -
S2‑043553 - - -
S2‑043554 - - -
S2‑043555 - - -
S2‑043556 - - -
S2‑043557 - - -
S2‑043558 - - -
S2‑043559 - - -
S2‑043560 Clarification of NRI position within (P)-TMSI - -
S2‑043561 Handling of preserved Real Time PDP context - -
S2‑043562 Tel-URI related reference updates - -
S2‑043563 - - -
S2‑043564 - - -
S2‑043565 - - -
S2‑043566 Removing tunnel redirection option - -
S2‑043567 Charging in WLAN interworking architecture - -
S2‑043568 Inclusion of informative Annex “NRI allocation examples” - -
S2‑043571 Forward HSS name - -
S2‑043572 Forward HSS name - -
S2‑043573 Informing AS on Registration - -
S2‑043574 Clean-up of references - -
S2‑043575 - - -
S2‑043576 - - -
S2‑043577 - - -
S2‑043578 NA-ESRD Provision for NI-LR Location Based Routing in North America - -
S2‑043579 - - -
S2‑043580 - - -
S2‑043581 - - -
S2‑043582 - - -
S2‑043583 Clarification of the procedure to disconnect the last tunnel - -
S2‑043584 Remove duplicated charging requirement for the PDG - -
S2‑043585 Transfer of selected Operator Id to Target RNC - -
S2‑043586 - - -
S2‑043587 - - -
S2‑043588 - - -
S2‑043589 - - -
S2‑043590 - - -
S2‑043591 - - -
S2‑043592 - - -
S2‑043593 - - -
S2‑043594 - - -
S2‑043595 - - -
S2‑043596 - - -
S2‑043597 - - -
S2‑043598 TS 23.234 Spacing and Grammar CR - -
S2‑043599 TS 23.234 Consistent Wording - -
S2‑043600 TS 23.234 Section 1 Rewording - -
S2‑043601 TS 23.234 Section 3 Rewording - -
S2‑043602 TS 23.234 Section 4 Rewording - -
S2‑043603 TS 23.234 Section 5 Rewording - -
S2‑043604 TS 23.234 Section 6 Rewording - -
S2‑043605 Correction of online charging disconnect procedure - -
S2‑043606 3GPP WLAN User profile Update - -
S2‑043607 Removal of unused references. - -
S2‑043608 Clarification of BSC behaviour in Gb-flex - -
S2‑043610 - - -
S2‑043611 Redraw of diagrams in section 7 - -
S2‑043612 POI applicability - -
S2‑043613 MBMS UE context synchronisation - -
S2‑043614 Correction for MBMS Deregistration procedure - -
S2‑043615 Delaying data transfer at session start - -
S2‑043616 - - -
S2‑043617 - - -
S2‑043618 Update of bearer termination message flow - -
S2‑043619 CCF/OCS address clarifications - -
S2‑043620 Routing from BGCF to BGCF - -
S2‑043623 List of number of PMM-IDLE UEs per RA parameter for RAN - -
S2‑043624 MBMS UE context via MBMS UE Linking procedure - -
S2‑043625 - - -
S2‑043626 - - -
S2‑043627 - - -
S2‑043628 Editorial corrections - -
S2‑043629 Correction on Annex E - -
S2‑043631 Correction of description of PNA indirect control of Presence Information flow - -
S2‑043632 - - -
S2‑043633 - - -
S2‑043634 Redirection in network sharing - -
S2‑043635 Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode revisited - -
S2‑043636 - - -
S2‑043637 - - -
S2‑043638 - - -
S2‑043639 - - -
S2‑043640 Reporting and credit management granularity - -
S2‑043641 - - -
S2‑043642 Updates to Rx handling - -
S2‑043643 Management Based Activation Impacts - -
S2‑043644 - - -
S2‑043645 - - -
S2‑043646 - - -
S2‑043647 - - -
S2‑043648 - - -
S2‑043649 - - -
S2‑043650 - - -
S2‑043654 - - -
S2‑043655 - - -
S2‑043656 - - -
S2‑043657 - - -
S2‑043659 - - -
S2‑043660 - - -
S2‑043661 - - -
S2‑043662 - - -
S2‑043663 Clarification of BM-SC functions - -
S2‑043664 How to Avoid Overloading the Central Server after Sending Service Announcement - -
S2‑043665 MBMS Architecture Modification - CBC Part - -
S2‑043666 Insertion of List of PMM-CONNECTED UEs into MBMS Service Context - -
S2‑043667 MBMS Charging Related Correction - -
S2‑043668 - - -
S2‑043669 - - -
S2‑043670 - - -
S2‑043671 - - -
S2‑043672 - - -
S2‑043673 - - -
S2‑043674 - - -
S2‑043675 - - -
S2‑043676 - - -
S2‑043677 - - -
S2‑043678 - - -
S2‑043680 - - -
S2‑043681 - - -
S2‑043682 - - -
S2‑043683 - - -
S2‑043684 - - -
S2‑043685 - - -
S2‑043686 - - -
S2‑043687 - - -
S2‑043688 - - -
S2‑043689 - - -
S2‑043690 - - -
S2‑043692 Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode - -
S2‑043701 - - -
S2‑043702 - - -
S2‑043703 selecting the charging rule - -
S2‑043705 Reporting and credit management granularity - -
S2‑043713 Addition of reference - -
S2‑043714 TS 23.234 Spacing and Grammar CR - -
S2‑043715 Removal of unused references. - -
S2‑043716 Editorial corrections - -
S2‑043717 TS 23.234 Section 1 Rewording - -
S2‑043718 TS 23.234 Section 3 Rewording - -
S2‑043719 TS 23.234 Section 5 Rewording pt 1 - -
S2‑043720 TS 23.234 Section 5 Rewording pt 2 - -
S2‑043721 TS 23.234 Section 6 Rewording - -
S2‑043723 - - -
S2‑043724 - - -
S2‑043725 - - -
S2‑043726 - - -
S2‑043727 Revision of session set-up from external SIP client - -
S2‑043728 Clarification on delivery order set to no - -
S2‑043729 Clarification on delivery order set to no - -
S2‑043730 Clarification of BM-SC functions - -
S2‑043731 Clarification of NRI position within (P)-TMSI - -
S2‑043732 Handling of preserved Real Time PDP context - -
S2‑043733 - - -
S2‑043734 - - -
S2‑043735 - - -
S2‑043736 - - -
S2‑043737 - - -
S2‑043738 - - -
S2‑043739 - - -
S2‑043740 NA-ESRD Provision for NI-LR Location Based Routing in North America - -
S2‑043741 Management Based Activation Impacts - -
S2‑043742 - - -
S2‑043743 - - -
S2‑043744 - - -
S2‑043745 - - -
S2‑043746 - - -
S2‑043747 - - -
S2‑043748 - - -
S2‑043749 - - -
S2‑043750 - - -
S2‑043751 - - -
S2‑043753 Correction on the Figure A.2 - -
S2‑043754 Correction in the section 7.1.1 - -
S2‑043755 Clarifications on the LCS authorisation response - -
S2‑043756 Delete new address of MSC/SGSN from Subscriber Location Report - -
S2‑043757 POI applicability - -
S2‑043758 Security considerations between CRF and AF - -
S2‑043759 Selection of the appropriate CRF by a TPF for a user in GPRS. - -
S2‑043760 Clarification of volume and time based charging - -
S2‑043761 clarification of online charging procedure - -
S2‑043762 CCF/OCS address clarifications - -
S2‑043763 Updates to Rx handling - -
S2‑043764 selecting the charging rule - -
S2‑043765 Correction of online charging disconnect procedure - -
S2‑043766 Correction and supplements to the W-APN resolution and Tunnel establishment procedure - -
S2‑043767 Revision of PLMN selection procedure - -
S2‑043768 Revision of Ww reference point definition - -
S2‑043769 Supplement to the subscriber profile procedure - -
S2‑043770 Clarification of the procedure to disconnect the last tunnel - -
S2‑043771 3GPP WLAN User profile Update - -
S2‑043772 Revision of Ww reference point definition - -
S2‑043773 - - -
S2‑043774 3GPP WLAN User profile Update - -
S2‑043775 TS 23.234 Rewording Readability Changes Section 1 - -
S2‑043776 TS 23.234 Section 3 Rewording - -
S2‑043777 TS 23.234 Section 5 Rewording pt 1 - -
S2‑043778 TS 23.234 Section 5 Rewording pt 2 - -
S2‑043779 TS 23.234 Section 6 Rewording - -
S2‑043780 TS 23.234 Spacing and Grammar CR - -
S2‑043781 - - -
S2‑043782 - - -
S2‑043783 - - -
S2‑043784 - - -
S2‑043785 - - -
S2‑043786 - - -
S2‑043787 - - -
S2‑043788 Clarification to the re-assignment of serving-csf - -
S2‑043789 - - -
S2‑043790 - - -
S2‑043791 Various editorial corrections - -
S2‑043792 Removal of support for local services - -
S2‑043793 Reorganization and clarification of session flows - -
S2‑043794 Addition of Application Server termination section - -
S2‑043795 Changes for commonality in regards to token generation - -
S2‑043796 - - -
S2‑043797 MBMS Architecture Related Correction - -
S2‑043798 Clarification of MBMS UE Linking handling - -
S2‑043799 MBMS UE context synchronisation - -
S2‑043800 Delaying data transfer at session start - -
S2‑043801 List of number of PMM-IDLE UEs per RA parameter for RAN - -
S2‑043802 Separate MBMS Sessions for 2G and 3G for same MBMS Bearer Service - -
S2‑043803 MBMS UE context via MBMS UE Linking procedure - -
S2‑043804 Insertion of List of PMM-CONNECTED UEs into MBMS Service Context - -
S2‑043805 MBMS UE context synchronisation - -
S2‑043806 - - -
S2‑043807 Tel-URI related reference updates - -
S2‑043808 Informing AS on Registration - -
S2‑043809 - - -
S2‑043810 - - -
S2‑043811 - - -
S2‑043812 - - -
S2‑043813 - - -
S2‑043814 - - -
S2‑043815 - - -
S2‑043816 - - -
S2‑043819 - - -
S2‑043820 - - -
S2‑043821 - - -
S2‑043822 - - -
S2‑043823 - - -
S2‑043824 - - -
S2‑043825 - - -
S2‑043826 - - -
S2‑043827 - - -
S2‑043828 - - -
S2‑043829 - - -
S2‑043830 Clarification of BSC behaviour in Gb-flex - -
S2‑043831 Management Based Activation Impacts - -
S2‑043832 - - -
S2‑043833 Supplement to the subscriber profile procedure - -
S2‑043834 - - -
S2‑043835 - - -
S2‑043836 - - -
S2‑043837 - - -
S2‑043838 MBMS Broadcast Session Stop Procedure - -
S2‑043839 - - -
S2‑043840 - - -
S2‑043841 Response LS on GUP Security Recommendations S2 -
S2‑043842 Revision of session set-up from external SIP client - -
S2‑043843 Reorganization and clarification of session flows - -
S2‑043844 - - -
S2‑043845 - - -
S2‑043846 LS on Security Aspects of Early IMS Systems S2 -
S2‑043847 - - -
S2‑043848 How to avoid overloading the central server after sending service announcement - -
S2‑043849 Use of Generally Defined MBMS Terms - -
S2‑043850 Charging Related Correction for MBMS - -
S2‑043851 General editorial correction for MBMS - -
S2‑043853 Correction on the Figure A.2 - -
S2‑043854 Delete new address of MSC/SGSN from Subscriber Location Report - -
S2‑043855 Clarifications on the LCS authorisation response - -
S2‑043856 - - -
S2‑043857 - - -
S2‑043858 LS on 3rd party registration and shared public user identities S2 -
S2‑043859 RE: The relationship between Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 authentication procedures S2 -
S2‑043860 - - -
S2‑043861 LS on CRs needed for Circuit Switched Voice-Video Switching S2 -
S2‑043862 Reply LS on MBMS Information Element coding S2 -
S2‑043863 Reply Liaison Statement on Reception Acknowledgement for MBMS S2 -
S2‑043864 Reply on LS on GERAN Assumptions on common MBMS Information Elements S2 -
S2‑043865 Use of Generally Defined MBMS Terms - -
S2‑043866 List of number of PMM-IDLE UEs per RA parameter for RAN - -
S2‑043867 Separate MBMS Sessions for 2G and 3G for same MBMS Bearer Service - -
S2‑043868 MBMS UE context synchronisation - -
S2‑043869 MBMS Architecture Modification – CBC (cell broadcast centre) Part - -
S2‑043870 - - -
S2‑043871 LS on Session Start repetition S2 -
S2‑043872 - - -
S2‑043873 - - -
S2‑043874 - - -
S2‑043875 - - -
S2‑043876 - - -
S2‑043877 - - -
S2‑043878 - - -
S2‑043879 Redraw of diagrams in section 7 - -
S2‑043880 Correction on Annex E - -
S2‑043881 Editorial corrections - -
S2‑043882 Correction of online charging disconnect procedure - -
S2‑043883 Rewording Readability Changes Section 3 - -
S2‑043884 Consistant Wording, Spacing, and Grammar Readability Changes - -
S2‑043885 Supplement to the subscriber profile procedure - -
S2‑043886 Rewording Readability Changes Section 1 - -
S2‑043888 - - -
S2‑043889 - - -
S2‑043890 - - -
S2‑043891 LS on evolution of network architecture S2 -
S2‑043892 LS on Mapping between ITU-T and 3GPP QoS Classes and Traffic Descriptors S2 -
S2‑043893 Reply LS on Revisiting forwards compatibility towards TLS based access security S2 -
S2‑043894 LS reply on Threshold based Re-Authorisation triggers for FBC in 23.125 S2 -
S2‑043895 LS on the ACBOP TR 23.898 current status. S2 -
S2‑043897 Management Based Activation Impacts - -
S2‑043898 Delete new address of MSC/SGSN from Subscriber Location Report - -
S2‑043899 - - -
S2‑043900 - - -
S2‑043901 - - -
S2‑043902 - - -
S2‑043903 Reporting and credit management granularity - -
S2‑043904 clarification of online charging procedure - -
S2‑043905 Updates to Rx handling - -
S2‑043906 selecting the charging rule - -
S2‑043907 - - -
S2‑043908 - - -
S2‑043909 Section 5 Reordering - -
S2‑043910 MBMS Broadcast Session Stop Procedure - -
S2‑043911 MBMS Broadcast Session Stop Procedure - -
S2‑043912 - - -
S2‑043913 Clarification of MBMS UE Linking handling - -

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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