Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S2-38 - 2004-02-16 to 2004-02-20, Atlanta

meeting id: S2-38 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S2‑040500 - - -
S2‑040501 - - -
S2‑040502 - - -
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S2‑040557 - - -
S2‑040558 - - -
S2‑040559 - - -
S2‑040560 - - -
S2‑040561 - - -
S2‑040562 Buffering in RNC - -
S2‑040563 Distribution of BM-SC functionality - -
S2‑040564 - - -
S2‑040565 MBMS TS scope - -
S2‑040566 - - -
S2‑040567 SGSN filtering of RAs to support RA-based optimization - -
S2‑040568 Complete the MBMS Service Request Procedure - -
S2‑040570 Correction on De-Registration Procedure - -
S2‑040571 MBMS paging coordination - -
S2‑040572 - - -
S2‑040573 Clarification of MBMS Multicast Service Activation - -
S2‑040574 - - -
S2‑040575 MBMS services through non-MBMS RAN - -
S2‑040576 Traffic Handling Priority for MBMS Background Bearers - -
S2‑040577 Scope of MBMS User Services in TS 23.246 - -
S2‑040578 TMGI Definition and Objective - -
S2‑040579 - - -
S2‑040580 - - -
S2‑040581 MBMS paging coordination - -
S2‑040582 SGSN filtering of RAs to support RA-based optimization - -
S2‑040583 MBMS TS scope - -
S2‑040584 - - -
S2‑040585 - - -
S2‑040586 Correction on De-Registration Procedure - -
S2‑040587 NSAPI in MBMS Multicast Service Activation - -
S2‑040588 Buffering of MBMS data at the RNC - -
S2‑040589 - - -
S2‑040590 SGSN filtering of RAs to support RA-based optimization - -
S2‑040591 - - -
S2‑040592 Distribution of BM-SC functionality - -
S2‑040593 MBMS Application Adjunct Server - -
S2‑040594 - - -
S2‑040595 - - -
S2‑040596 - - -
S2‑040597 - - -
S2‑040598 - - -
S2‑040599 - - -
S2‑040601 - - -
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S2‑040619 - - -
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S2‑040621 - - -
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S2‑040623 - - -
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S2‑040629 - - -
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S2‑040631 - - -
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s2‑040646 - - -
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S2‑040654 - - -
S2‑040655 - - -
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s2‑040657 - - -
s2‑040658 - - -
S2‑040659 - - -
S2‑040660 - - -
S2‑040661 - - -
S2‑040662 - - -
S2‑040663 - - -
s2‑040665 Roaming support for MO-LR - -
S2‑040670 - - -
S2‑040671 - - -
S2‑040672 - - -
S2‑040673 - - -
S2‑040674 - - -
S2‑040675 - - -
S2‑040676 - - -
S2‑040677 - - -
S2‑040678 - - -
S2‑040679 - - -
S2‑040680 - - -
S2‑040681 - - -
S2‑040682 - - -
S2‑040683 - - -
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S2‑040687 - - -
S2‑040688 - - -
S2‑040689 - - -
S2‑040690 - - -
S2‑040691 - - -
S2‑040692 - - -
S2‑040693 - - -
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S2‑040703 - - -
S2‑040704 - - -
S2‑040705 - - -
S2‑040706 - - -
S2‑040707 - - -
S2‑040708 - - -
S2‑040709 - - -
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S2‑040721 - - -
S2‑040722 - - -
S2‑040723 - - -
S2‑040725 - - -
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S2‑040727 - - -
S2‑040729 - - -
S2‑040730 - - -
S2‑040731 - - -
S2‑040732 - - -
S2‑040734 - - -
S2‑040735 - - -
S2‑040736 - - -
S2‑040737 - - -
S2‑040738 - - -
S2‑040739 - - -
s2‑040740 - - -
S2‑040741 - - -
S2‑040742 - - -
S2‑040743 - - -
S2‑040745 - - -
S2‑040746 - - -
S2‑040747 - - -
S2‑040748 - - -
S2‑040749 - - -
S2‑040750 - - -
S2‑040751 - - -
S2‑040752 - - -
S2‑040760 Correction of the usage of the Cx-Put and the Cx-Pull information flow - -
S2‑040761 Deleting unnecessary information flow in TS 23.228 - -
S2‑040762 Introduction of the pseudonym in the MO-LR procedure - -
S2‑040763 An optional charging entity in the MO-LR procedure - -
S2‑040764 ICMP - -
S2‑040765 PDP Context State Notification message - -
S2‑040766 - - -
S2‑040767 - - -
S2‑040768 - - -
S2‑040769 - - -
S2‑040770 - - -
S2‑040771 - - -
S2‑040772 - - -
S2‑040773 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑040774 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑040775 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑040776 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑040777 - - -
S2‑040778 - - -
S2‑040779 - - -
S2‑040780 - - -
S2‑040781 Routing of Emergency Calls based on Geographical Coordinates - -
S2‑040782 Proposed clarifications to MRFC/MRFP - -
S2‑040783 Roaming support for MO-LR (Editorial correction to CR239 of 23.271) - -
S2‑040784 Support for Ut reference point - -
S2‑040785 Relationship of private ID to subscription - -
S2‑040786 Update Authorization Procedure - -
S2‑040787 ARP clarification - -
S2‑040788 SGSN QoS restriction during GGSN initiated PDP ctx modification procedure - -
S2‑040789 Rg reference point alignment with Liberty ID-WSF - -
S2‑040790 Adding a listing function - -
S2‑040791 Session based messaging: general principles - -
S2‑040792 Message size limitations for Immediate messaging - -
S2‑040793 - - -
S2‑040794 Relation of IMS sessions and PDP Contexts - -
S2‑040795 SBLP implications of bundling different IMS sessions to the same PDP Context - -
S2‑040796 Resource reservation in IMS - -
S2‑040797 Architectural support for AS origination - -
S2‑040798 Clarification of forking capabilities - -
S2‑040799 - - -
S2‑040800 Update of Authorization on Gq - -
S2‑040801 Service information - -
S2‑040802 Mapping amendment to PDF procedures - -
S2‑040803 Mapping amendment to AF procedures - -
S2‑040804 Addition of IMEISV for Automatic Device Detection function - -
S2‑040805 - - -
S2‑040806 Record Route at S-CSCF - -
S2‑040807 PSIs for local services - -
S2‑040808 Group management clarification - -
S2‑040809 Message size limitations for immediate messaging - -
S2‑040810 - - -
S2‑040811 MRFC co-located with an AS when hosting messaging conference - -
S2‑040812 Session based messaging release procedure - -
S2‑040813 - - -
S2‑040814 - - -
S2‑040815 - - -
S2‑040816 - - -
S2‑040817 - - -
S2‑040818 - - -
S2‑040819 - - -
S2‑040820 - - -
S2‑040821 - - -
s2‑040823 - - -
s2‑040824 - - -
S2‑040825 - - -
s2‑040826 - - -
s2‑040828 Relation of IMS sessions and PDP Contexts - -
s2‑040829 - - -
s2‑040830 - - -
S2‑040831 - - -
S2‑040834 - - -
S2‑040835 Nature of LCS - -
S2‑040836 Nature of LCS - -
S2‑040837 Nature of LCS - -
S2‑040838 Nature of LCS - -
S2‑040839 Nature of LCS - -
S2‑040840 - - -
S2‑040842 - - -
S2‑040843 Alignment of text with figure - -
S2‑040844 - - -
S2‑040845 - - -
S2‑040846 - - -
S2‑040847 - - -
S2‑040849 - - -
S2‑040850 - - -
S2‑040851 - - -
S2‑040852 - - -
S2‑040853 Rg reference point alignment with Liberty ID-WSF - -
S2‑040855 - - -
S2‑040856 - - -
S2‑040857 - - -
S2‑040858 - - -
S2‑040865 Forking Preference in Session Request - -
S2‑040866 Forking related to SIP UA Capability - -
S2‑040867 - - -
S2‑040868 - - -
S2‑040869 - - -
S2‑040870 - - -
S2‑040871 - - -
S2‑040872 Correction on PDP context to SAPI mapping - -
S2‑040873 Correction on PDP context to SAPI mapping - -
S2‑040874 Correction of S-CDR information provided to the GGSN - -
S2‑040875 Removal of reliability class 1 - -
S2‑040876 Correction to pre-defined PFI - -
S2‑040877 - - -
S2‑040878 - - -
S2‑040879 - - -
S2‑040880 Removal of text passages with unclear status - -
S2‑040881 - - -
S2‑040882 - - -
S2‑040883 - - -
S2‑040884 - - -
S2‑040886 - - -
S2‑040887 - - -
S2‑040888 Removal of preservation procedure for realtime bearers in A/Gb mode - -
S2‑040889 - - -
S2‑040891 - - -
S2‑040892 - - -
S2‑040893 - - -
S2‑040894 - - -
S2‑040895 - - -
S2‑040896 SGSN QoS restriction during GGSN initiated PDP ctx modification procedure - -
S2‑040897 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑040898 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑040899 Addition of IMEISV for Automatic Device Detection function - -
S2‑040900 Provision of S-CDR information to the GGSN - -
S2‑040901 Correction to pre-defined PFI - -
S2‑040902 ARP clarification - -
S2‑040903 Removal of reliability class 1 - -
S2‑040904 - - -
S2‑040905 Introduction of the pseudonym in the MO-LR procedure - -
S2‑040906 An optional charging entity in the MO-LR procedure - -
S2‑040907 Reply LS on UTRAN LCS QoS handling for location request and report in release 6 S2 -
S2‑040908 Roaming support for MO-LR - -
S2‑040909 - - -
S2‑040910 - - -
S2‑040911 - - -
S2‑040912 - - -
S2‑040913 - - -
S2‑040914 - - -
S2‑040915 Response to LS on I-WLAN Selection S2 -
S2‑040916 - - -
s2‑040917 - - -
S2‑040918 - - -
S2‑040919 - - -
S2‑040920 - - -
S2‑040921 - - -
s2‑040922 - - -
S2‑040923 - - -
S2‑040924 - - -
S2‑040925 - - -
S2‑040926 - - -
S2‑040927 - - -
S2‑040928 - - -
s2‑040929 - - -
S2‑040930 Response to SA1 LS on WLAN requirements S2 -
S2‑040931 - - -
S2‑040932 - - -
S2‑040933 - - -
S2‑040934 - - -
S2‑040935 - - -
S2‑040936 Session based messaging: general principles - -
S2‑040937 Message size limitations for Immediate messaging - -
S2‑040938 Session based messaging requirements and flows - -
S2‑040939 - - -
S2‑040940 Session based messaging release procedure - -
S2‑040941 Clarification of forking capabilities - -
S2‑040942 Proposed clarifications to MRFC/MRFP - -
S2‑040943 Relationship between private user IDs and IMS subscription - -
S2‑040944 - - -
S2‑040945 - - -
S2‑040946 - - -
S2‑040947 - - -
S2‑040949 Relation of IMS sessions and PDP Contexts - -
S2‑040950 - - -
S2‑040951 SBLP implications of bundling different IMS sessions to the same PDP Context - -
S2‑040952 Resource reservation in IMS - -
S2‑040953 Architectural support for AS origination - -
S2‑040954 Record Route at S-CSCF - -
S2‑040955 - - -
S2‑040956 - - -
S2‑040957 - - -
S2‑040958 - - -
s2‑040959 - - -
S2‑040961 - - -
S2‑040962 - - -
S2‑040963 - - -
S2‑040964 - - -
S2‑040965 - - -
S2‑040966 - - -
S2‑040968 An optimisation in registration information flow for user not registered - -
S2‑040969 PSIs for local services - -
S2‑040970 - - -
S2‑040971 Group management clarification - -
S2‑040972 - - -
S2‑040973 - - -
S2‑040974 Relation of IMS sessions and PDP Contexts - -
S2‑040975 - - -
S2‑040976 - - -
S2‑040977 - - -
S2‑040978 MBMS TS scope - -
S2‑040979 Buffering of MBMS data at the RNC - -
S2‑040980 Notification in case of parallel services - -
S2‑040981 NSAPI in MBMS Multicast Service Activation - -
S2‑040987 - - -
S2‑040988 LS on multiple IMS sessions using the same PDP Context S2 -
S2‑040989 - - -
S2‑040990 - - -
S2‑040992 - - -
S2‑040993 - - -
S2‑040994 - - -
S2‑040995 - - -
S2‑040996 Update of Authorization on Gq - -
S2‑040997 Service information - -
S2‑040998 - - -
S2‑040999 Update Authorization Procedure - -
s2‑041000 - - -
S2‑041001 - - -
S2‑041002 - - -
S2‑041003 - - -
S2‑041004 Correction on PDP context to SAPI mapping - -
S2‑041005 Correction on PDP context to SAPI mapping - -
S2‑041006 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑041007 Correction to the use of delivery order set to yes - -
S2‑041008 Removal of text passages with unclear status - -
S2‑041009 - - -
S2‑041010 - - -
S2‑041012 Response to RAN3 on Handling of RRC connected PMM Idle users S2 -
S2‑041013 - - -
S2‑041014 Response to RAN3 on RNC-based filtering and RA-based filtering options for MBMS S2 -
S2‑041015 LS on the nature of LCS S2 -
S2‑041016 Addition of IMEISV for Automatic Device Detection function - -
S2‑041017 - - -
S2‑041018 - - -
S2‑041019 - - -
S2‑041020 LS on Resource reservation for session based messaging S2 -
S2‑041021 Clarification of forking capabilities - -
S2‑041022 Group management clarification - -
S2‑041023 - - -
S2‑041024 - - -
S2‑041025 LS on Harmonisation of AMR Configurations S2 -
S2‑041026 - - -
S2‑041027 - - -
S2‑041028 - - -
S2‑041029 ARP Clarification - -
S2‑041030 Reply LS on Length of Parameter for Service Identity S2 -
s2‑041031 Introduction of LCS QoS Class and Enhencement of MO-LR - -
S2‑041032 Reply to LS from ETSI TISPAN on E112 Requirements S2 -
S2‑041034 Response to CN1 questions on MBMS UE Bearer capabilities S2 -
S2‑041035 Response to LSs S2-040511 (N1-040161), S2-040518 (R2-040329) and S2-040534 (S1-040182) on Paging Co-ordination for MBMS and Other Services S2 -
S2‑041036 SGSN filtering of RAs to support RA-based optimization - -
S2‑041037 Paging Coordination - -
S2‑041038 - - -
S2‑041039 - - -
S2‑041040 - - -
s2‑041041 - - -
S2‑041042 - - -
S2‑041043 - - -
S2‑041044 - - -
S2‑041045 - - -
S2‑041046 - - -
S2‑041047 LS reply "LS on CS and PS CN Domains separation and Access Control in UTRAN" S2 -
S2‑041048 Reply LS on the SIP NOTIFY message carrying the reason for deregistration S2 -
S2‑041049 Reply LS on Reply LS on Optimisation of Voice over IMS S2 -
s2‑041050 Response to LS on "IMS messaging, Group management and Presence work overlap between 3GPP and OMA" S2 -
S2‑041051 LS on Preservation for real time PDP contexts in A/Gb mode S2 -
S2‑041052 Reply LS on Mapping between ITU-T and 3GPP QoS Classes and Traffic Descriptors S2 -
S2‑041053 LS Reply to OMA LS to 3GPP on principles for overlapping issues with OMA regarding PoC S2 -
s2‑041054 Reply LS on Technical Report on Mobility between H.323 Multimedia Systems and GPRS/IMT2000 Networks S2 -
S2‑041055 LS on IMS local services S2 -
s2‑041056 LS on the use of MSISDN in WLAN Interworking for charging and management reasons S2 -
S2‑041057 - - -

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