Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S1-35 - 2007-01-29 to 2007-02-02, Bangalore

meeting id: S1-35 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S1‑070001 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070002 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070003 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070004 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070005 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070006 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070007 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070008 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070009 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070010 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070011 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070012 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070013 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070014 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070015 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070016 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070017 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070018 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070019 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070020 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070021 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070022 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070023 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070024 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070025 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070026 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070027 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070028 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070029 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070030 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070031 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070032 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070033 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070034 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070035 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070036 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070037 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070038 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070039 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070040 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070041 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070042 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070043 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070044 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070045 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070046 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070047 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070048 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070049 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070050 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070051 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070052 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070053 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070054 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070055 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070056 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070057 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070058 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070059 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070060 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070061 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070062 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070063 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070064 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070065 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070066 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070067 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070068 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070069 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070070 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070071 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070072 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070073 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070074 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070075 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070076 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070077 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070078 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070079 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070080 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070081 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070082 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070083 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070084 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070085 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070086 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070087 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070088 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070089 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070090 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070091 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070092 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070093 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070094 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070095 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070096 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070097 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070098 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070099 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070100 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070101 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070102 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070103 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070104 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070105 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070106 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070107 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070108 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070109 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070110 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070111 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070112 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070113 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070114 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070115 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070116 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070117 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070118 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070119 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070120 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070121 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070122 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070123 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070124 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070125 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070126 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070127 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070128 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070129 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070130 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070131 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070132 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070133 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070134 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070135 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070136 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070137 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070138 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070139 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070140 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070141 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070142 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070143 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070144 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070145 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070146 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070147 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070148 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070149 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070150 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070151 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070152 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070153 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070154 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070155 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070156 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070157 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070158 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070159 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070160 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070161 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070162 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070163 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070164 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070165 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070166 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070167 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070168 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070169 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070170 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070171 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070172 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070173 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070174 - - imported from 3GU
S1‑070175 Reply LS on Accounting and Charging S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070176 - - Chris; Revised to 286
S1‑070177 - - Revised to 283
S1‑070178 Requirements for LTE MBMS Television Service - Revised to 282
S1‑070179 - - Revised to 281
S1‑070180 Parallel, but regional, MBMS Sessions within one MBMS service. - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070181 Parallel, but regional, MBMS Sessions within one MBMS service. - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070182 Removal of Confirmed Roaming enhancement (section - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070183 - - Revised to 284
S1‑070184 Requirement of Charging Information Notification in MBMS User Services - Withdrawn
S1‑070185 Administrative restriction of subscribers’ access - Revised to 285
S1‑070186 Clarification on QoS classes for evolved 3GPP system - Revised in S1-070187
S1‑070187 Clarification on QoS classes for evolved 3GPP system - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070188 - - Revised to 297
S1‑070189 - - Approved
S1‑070190 Addition of Evolved 3GPP System description and corrections to references - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070191 - - Put into 195
S1‑070192 - - Noted
S1‑070193 - - Approved
S1‑070194 - - Revised to 195
S1‑070195 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for information
S1‑070196 - - Revised to 246
S1‑070197 Provision of access network information to the UE - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070198 - - Revised to 247
S1‑070199 - - Agreed with modification to be incorporated into S1-070201.
S1‑070200 - - Agreed to be incorporated into the updated draft (proposed v1.0.0) in S1-070201.
S1‑070201 - - Revised to 228
S1‑070202 - - Noted
S1‑070203 - - Approved
S1‑070204 - - Agreed in SWG
S1‑070205 - - Text included in TR 22.968
S1‑070206 - - Revised to 209
S1‑070207 - - Revised to 302
S1‑070208 - - Agreed to be put into the TR
S1‑070209 - - Agreed in SA1, to be put into the TR
S1‑070210 - - Withdrawn; TR not agreed to be sent at this time
S1‑070211 - - Noted as basis for future work; Revised to 307
S1‑070212 - - Approved; Revised to 306
S1‑070213 - - Noted; Revised to 303
S1‑070214 - - Agreed with modification. Text is extracted to the TR
S1‑070215 - - Noted in SWG
S1‑070216 - - Approved in SWG
S1‑070217 - - Revised to 227
S1‑070218 - - Noted
S1‑070219 - - Approved
S1‑070220 - - Agreed in SWG.
S1‑070221 - - Revised to 223
S1‑070222 - - Revised to 224
S1‑070223 - - Revised to 259
S1‑070224 - - Noted as basis for furture work
S1‑070225 - - Agreed
S1‑070226 - - Noted as bassis for future work
S1‑070227 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for Information
S1‑070228 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for information.
S1‑070229 - - Approved
S1‑070230 - - Noted
S1‑070231 Terminology clarification for User Equipment and User Equipment components - Revised to 287
S1‑070232 - - Approved; to be added to the TR
S1‑070233 - - Agreed in SWG
S1‑070234 - - Postponed to a SWG to be held after SA1 #35
S1‑070235 - - Postponed to a SWG to be held after SA1 #35
S1‑070236 - - Agreed in SWG
S1‑070237 - - Noted
S1‑070238 - - Agreed in SWG
S1‑070239 - - Withdrawn, not available
S1‑070240 - - Withdrawn, not available
S1‑070241 - - Noted see 242
S1‑070242 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070243 - - Noted
S1‑070244 - - Approved
S1‑070245 - - -
S1‑070246 LS on the work with 3GPP Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) service S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070247 LS on Provision of non-3GPP access network information to UE S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070248 Adding FMC to terms and abbreviations - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070249 Response to: LSs on support for anonymous GRUU from SA2 and CT1 S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070250 Clarification on supplementary services - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070251 ODB for IMS - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070252 - - Revised to 292
S1‑070253 Private network services - Use case and requirements - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070254 Removal of paragraph numbers from entire document - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070255 Use cases for SM-IM Service-Level Interworking - Withdrawn
S1‑070256 CR0050 on 22.105 for SMS IM service level interworking - Revised to 293
S1‑070257 - - Approved
S1‑070258 - - Noted
S1‑070259 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070260 - - Approved to be used to update TSs AP 35.02
S1‑070261 - - Approved, to be included in workplan
S1‑070262 CR0004 on 22.340 for SMS - IM service level interworking reqs - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070263 Removal of the use of GPRS for individual VGCS subscribers in parallel to an active group call - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070264 Removal of requirement for Speech encryption for voice group calls - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070265 Removal of requirement for Speech encryption for voice group calls - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070266 Steering of Roaming for PLMNs connected by I-WLAN - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070267 Requirement for presentation of additional information in manual mode - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070268 Network selection mode at switch-on - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070269 Reply LS on IMS Multi-Media Conferencing S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070270 - - Approved
S1‑070271 - - -
S1‑070272 - - -
S1‑070273 - - -
S1‑070274 - - Revised to 288
S1‑070275 Single EHPLMN Display Name in Manual Mode (to 22.011) - Revised to 294
S1‑070276 - - Noted
S1‑070277 - - Copied to SA1, noted.
S1‑070278 - - Noted
S1‑070279 - - Revised to 289
S1‑070280 - - Noted as basis for future work
S1‑070281 LS on Multiple parallel MBMS Sessions S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070282 Requirements for LTE MBMS Television Service - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070283 Reply LS to RAN, SA4 on Service Requirement for MBMS LTE S1 282 attached.; Agreed to be sent
S1‑070284 - - Revised to 295
S1‑070285 Administrative restriction of subscribers’ access - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070286 “Lingual and Cost Efficiency Problems in Short Message Services” S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070287 Terminology clarification for User Equipment and User Equipment components - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070288 Requirement of MBMS Service Subscribution for Roaming Users - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070289 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070290 Registration in Densely-populated area - Revised to 299
S1‑070291 - - Revised to 300
S1‑070292 - - Revised to 298
S1‑070293 CR0050 on 22.105 for SMS – IM service level interworking - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070294 Single EHPLMN Display Name in Manual Mode (to 22.011) - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval with some reservations.
S1‑070295 LS on WID on GSM-DMO S1 Doc 98 attached; Agreed to be sent
S1‑070296 - - Noted; CR to be provided for the next meeting
S1‑070297 Reply LS on minimum number of supported SAE bearers in the UE S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070298 - - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070299 Registration in Densely-populated area - Agreed to be sent to SA for approval
S1‑070300 LS on Registration in Densely-populated area S1 Agreed to be sent
S1‑070301 - - Document agreed
S1‑070302 - - Agreed to be put into the TR
S1‑070303 - - Noted
S1‑070304 - - Noted
S1‑070305 - - Agreed
S1‑070306 - - Approved
S1‑070307 - - Noted

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