Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: N3-22 - 2002-04-08 to 2002-04-12, Fort Lauderdale

meeting id: N3-22 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
N3_22_Tdo - - -
N3‑020172 Title Source -
N3‑020173 - - -
N3‑020174 - - -
N3‑020175 - - -
N3‑020176 Brief notice from CN#15 relevant for CN3 CN3 Chair -
N3‑020177 Hilites of CN#15/SA#15 CN Chair -
N3‑020178 - - -
N3‑020179 Title Source -
N3‑020180 Title Source -
N3‑020181 Title Source -
N3‑020182 Title Source -
N3‑020183 Title Source -
N3‑020184 - - -
N3‑020185 - - -
N3‑020186 - - -
N3‑020187 LS on Generation of GPRS Charging ID CN3 -
N3‑020188 Proposed joint activity on generic control mechanism for end-to-end QoS service control and signalling protocol development based on IP transfer capabilities and IP QoS classes ITU-T Study Group 13 -
N3‑020189 Re. to liaison statement on Generic QoS Service Requirements ITU-T Study Group 13 -
N3‑020190 Proposed WI: MBMS Hutchison 3G -
N3‑020191 WID - Interworking between IM CN subsystem and CS networks TSG CN WG3 -
N3‑020192 WID for Interworking between IM CN subsystem and IP networks TSG CN WG3 -
N3‑020193 Revision of WID for End-to-end QoS Stage 3 TSG CN WG3 -
N3‑020194 Liaison Statement on "Prefix allocation for IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration" SA2 -
N3‑020195 LS on adapting to IETF improvements contained in “unified draft” SA2 -
N3‑020196 RFC Numbers Allocated by IETF TSG-CN Chairman -
N3‑020198 IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration - -
N3‑020199 Response to LS on “Procedure for specifying UMTS QoS Parameters per Application” TSG SA WG4 -
N3‑020200 Reply to the Liaison Statement on Clarifications regarding GERAN Iu mode TSG GERAN -
N3‑020201 Bandwidth parameter in SDP payload on session level CN1 -
N3‑020202 Liaison statement on the transparent transfer via SGSN of application level information between UE and GGSN CN1 -
N3‑020203 Response LS on “Procedure for specifying UMTS QoS Parameters per Application” RAN 1 -
N3‑020204 Liaison Statement on the support of legacy transceivers (voice and data) TSG SA 1 -
N3‑020205 Response to the LS “requesting that the IMS Charging ID (ICID) is provided to access network” SA2 -
N3‑020206 LS on adapting to IETF improvements contained in “unified draft” TSG SA2 -
N3‑020207 LS on Support of Legacy GSM Transceivers (voice and data) TSG GERAN -
N3‑020208 Liaison Statement on DTMF CN1 -
N3‑020209 LS on Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode SA1 -
N3‑020210 Liaison Statement on Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls SA1 -
N3‑020211 Liaison Statement on "Prefix allocation for IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration" SA2 -
N3‑020212 Reply to “Liaison Statement on The addition of the H.324 M codec to TS 26.103” SA4 -
N3‑020213 Optional dropping of user data by the GGSN before the Accounting Response (START) is received - -
N3‑020214 Optional dropping of user data by the GGSN before the Accounting Response (START) is received - -
N3‑020215 Optional dropping of user data by the GGSN before the Accounting Response (START) is received - -
N3‑020216 Optional dropping of user data by the GGSN before the Accounting Response (START) is received - -
N3‑020217 Optional dropping of user data by the GGSN before the Accounting Response (START) is received - -
N3‑020218 Address autoconfiguration of IPv6 terminals - -
N3‑020219 Usage of Radius with IPv6 on Gi interface - -
N3‑020220 General IPv6 changes to 29.061 - -
N3‑020221 Response to the LS “Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode” GERAN WG2 -
N3‑020222 Multiplexing of different Media Components within a single PDP context H3G -
N3‑020223 QoS Combination and value fields H3G -
N3‑020224 Authorisation of multiple PDP contexts within a single SIP session H3G -
N3‑020226 Proposed WI: MBMS Hutchison 3G -
N3‑020227 Presence Service Clarifications needed for work split and scope Hutchison 3G -
N3‑020228 SBLP Policy Modifications procedures AWS -
N3‑020229 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020230 Corrections to the 3GPP RADIUS attributes - -
N3‑020231 TS 29.207, TCP Connections on Go Cisco Systems -
N3‑020232 TS 29.207, Clarifications on Diffserv Cisco Systems -
N3‑020233 Proposed amendments to DiffServ edge function related sections of TS 29.207 Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020234 Proposed descriptions of binding mechanism of UE in TS 29.207 Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020235 Proposed amendments to the scope of TS 29.208 Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020236 Proposed amendments to section 5 of TS 29.208 to cover use of cached policy in Local Decision Point on GGSN Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020237 Proposed amendments to section 7.1.3 of TS 29.208 regarding SDP to UMTS QoS parameters mapping Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020238 Proposed deletion of unnecessary editor’s notes of TS 29.208 Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020239 Signalling of FTM calls Ericsson -
N3‑020240 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020241 Definitions Siemens -
N3‑020242 Binding mechanism handling in the GGSN Siemens -
N3‑020243 Service-based local policy decision point Siemens -
N3‑020244 Binding mechanism handling in the PCF Siemens -
N3‑020245 Type of COPS messages description Siemens -
N3‑020246 QoS authorisation call flow Siemens -
N3‑020247 Authorised QoS information passed from the PCF to the GGSN Nortel Networks -
N3‑020248 M-type / R-type Nortel Networks -
N3‑020249 Capabilities negotiation at initialisation Nortel Networks -
N3‑020250 Go PIB skeleton built upon with explanatory background text Nortel Networks -
N3‑020251 Packet filters data structure Nortel Networks -
N3‑020253 PIB Overview Nortel Networks -
N3‑020255 Negotiated / requested QoS clarification - -
N3‑020257 QoS profile attributes: release indicator length not needed - -
N3‑020258 Multislot clarification - -
N3‑020259 Framing Protocol Interworking L.M.Ericsson -
N3‑020260 - - -
N3‑020261 Validating binding information against the UE Ericsson -
N3‑020262 SBLP based filters and TFTs Ericsson -
N3‑020263 Requirements on SBLP Filters Ericsson -
N3‑020264 Combining QoS for multiple media components Ericsson -
N3‑020265 Session Modification Ericsson -
N3‑020266 QoS Parameter mapping Ericsson -
N3‑020267 [CR] Authorized QoS Nokia -
N3‑020268 [CR] Media authorisation information from SIP session Nokia -
N3‑020269 [CR] SBLP decision point Nokia -
N3‑020270 [CR] Device capability and Initial Go Policy Provisioning Nokia -
N3‑020271 [CR] Go message description Nokia -
N3‑020272 [CR] Handling of error cases in Go interface Nokia -
N3‑020273 [CR] PDP context modification Nokia -
N3‑020274 - - -
N3‑020275 Proposed new technical specification L M Ericsson -
N3‑020276 - - -
N3‑020277 CR 551 Rev. 3 to 3GPP TS 24.008 L M Ericsson -
N3‑020278 Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls - -
N3‑020279 Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls - -
N3‑020280 Binding Mechanism AT&T Wireless -
N3‑020281 Clarification to VMSC/HLR logic for modem/facsimile calls - -
N3‑020282 Framing Protocol Interworking Siemens -
N3‑020283 QoS Parameter mapping Ericsson -
N3‑020284 Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls - -
N3‑020285 QoS Parameter mapping H3G -
N3‑020286 Stateless Address autoconfiguration of IPv6 terminals - -
N3‑020287 Statefull Address autoconfiguration of IPv6 terminals - -
N3‑020289 General IPv6 changes to 29.061 - -
N3‑020290 - - -
N3‑020291 Corrections to the 3GPP RADIUS attributes - -
N3‑020292 Corrections to the 3GPP RADIUS attributes - -
N3‑020293 Corrections to the 3GPP RADIUS attributes - -
N3‑020294 Corrections to the 3GPP RADIUS attributes - -
N3‑020295 Corrections to the 3GPP RADIUS attributes - -
N3‑020296 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020297 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020298 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020299 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020300 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020301 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020302 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020303 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020304 Multislot clarification - -
N3‑020305 Definitions Siemens -
N3‑020306 Combining QoS for multiple media components Ericsson -
N3‑020307 [DRAFT] Liaison Statement on “Working assumptions in CN3” CN3 -
N3‑020308 Reply LS on Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls CN3 -
N3‑020309 - - -
N3‑020310 - - -
N3‑020311 Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls - -
N3‑020312 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020313 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020314 Signalling of FTM calls - -
N3‑020315 - - -
N3‑020316 Reply LS on Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls CN3 -
N3‑020317 Session modification Go drafting session -
N3‑020318 LS on Multiple Codecs CN3 -
N3‑020319 [CR] SBLP decision point Nokia -
N3‑020320 Binding Mechanism AT&T Wireless -
N3‑020321 Binding mechanism handling in the GGSN Siemens -
N3‑020322 [CR] Media authorisation information from SIP session Nokia -
N3‑020323 [CR] Authorized QoS Nokia -
N3‑020325 [CR] Handling of error cases in Go interface Nokia -
N3‑020326 Discussion result from CN3 Go drafting session CN3 Go drafting session -
N3‑020327 [DRAFT] Response LS on Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode CN3 -
N3‑020328 Stateless Address autoconfiguration of IPv6 terminals - -
N3‑020329 Liaison Statement on "IPv6 update of stage 3 specifications" CN3 -
N3‑020331 Reply LS on "Generation of GPRS Charging ID" from CN3 (N3-020187) SA5 SWG-B -
N3‑020332 Response to LS (N3-020119, S4-020198) on Procedure for specifying UMTS QoS Parameters per Application RAN2 -
N3‑020333 Response to LS (N1-020666) on DTMF RAN2 -
N3‑020334 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020335 Session modification Go drafting session -
N3‑020336 - - -
N3‑020337 [CR] Go message description Nokia -
N3‑020339 [CR] Device capability and Initial Go Policy Provisioning Nokia -
N3‑020340 PIB Outline PIB Offline Drafting Session -
N3‑020341 TS 29.207, TCP Connections on Go Cisco Systems, Nortel -
N3‑020342 [CR] Media authorisation information from SIP session Nokia -
N3‑020343 [CR] Authorized QoS Nokia -
N3‑020344 QoS authorisation call flow Siemens -
N3‑020345 Proposed amendments to section 5 of TS 29.208 to cover use of cached policy in Local Decision Point on GGSN Lucent Technologies -
N3‑020346 QoS Parameter mapping Ericsson -
N3‑020347 Type of COPS messages description Siemens -
N3‑020348 Liaison Statement on "IPv6 update of stage 3 specifications" CN3 -
N3‑020349 [DRAFT] Liaison Statement on “Mapping rules for authorisation” CN3 -
N3‑020350 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020351 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020352 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020353 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020354 Clarifications on the RADIUS flows - -
N3‑020355 [DRAFT] Response LS on Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode CN3 -
N3‑020356 LS on Multiple Codecs CN3 -
N3‑020357 Liaison Statement on “Working assumptions in CN3” CN3 -
N3‑020358 QoS Parameter mapping Ericsson -
N3‑020359 QoS Parameter mapping Ericsson and H3G. -
N3‑020360 Response LS on Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode CN3 -
N3‑020361 Liaison Statement on "IPv6 update of stage 3 specifications" CN WG3 -
N3‑020362 Liaison Statement on “Mapping rules for authorisation” CN3 -
N3‑020363 QoS Parameter mapping Ericsson and H3G. -

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