Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: N1-23 - 2002-04-08 to 2002-04-12, Fort Lauderdale

meeting id: N1-23 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
N1‑020673 Title Source -
N1‑020674 - - -
N1‑020675 - - -
N1‑020676 - - -
N1‑020677 N1 specification responsibility after TSG#15 MCC -
N1‑020678 Report CN1 Chairman -
N1‑020679 Liaison Statement on Size of Attach Request message RAN3 -
N1‑020680 Response to SA2 on Liaison statement on the transparent transfer via SGSN of application level information between UE and GGSN. CN4 -
N1‑020681 Response Liaison Statement on Trace and Availability of IMSI and IMEI CN4 -
N1‑020682 LS on UMTS->GSM handover during signalling phase of CS call setup RAN2 -
N1‑020683 Response to LS (N1-011253) on UE behaviour when network fails authentication procedure RAN2 -
N1‑020684 Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode SA1 -
N1‑020685 Re: LS on IMS number portability SA1 -
N1‑020686 Liaison Statement on Access to IMS Services using 3GPP release 99 and release 4 UICCs SA1 -
N1‑020687 Liaison Statement on Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls SA1 -
N1‑020688 LS on Priority Service Feasibility Study TR - draft SA1 -
N1‑020689 LS on “sip compression” SA2 -
N1‑020690 Response LS on Shared network scenarios considered by TSG-RAN3 SA 2 -
N1‑020691 LS on Relation of number of IMS media components and PDP contexts TSG SA WG2 -
N1‑020692 Liaison Statement on "SIP Signalling requirements” SA2 -
N1‑020693 Response to the LS “requesting that the IMS Charging ID (ICID) is provided to access network” SA2 -
N1‑020694 Liaison Statement Reply to "Status of the Generic User Profile Work" SA2 -
N1‑020695 Liaison Statement on "Prefix allocation for IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration" SA2 -
N1‑020696 LS on Stage 2 for use of USIMs and ISIMs for IMS SA 2 -
N1‑020697 LS on adapting to IETF improvements contained in “unified draft” TSG SA2 -
N1‑020698 LS regarding SDP bandwidth attributes in TS 24.228 TSG SA WG4 -
N1‑020699 Liaison Statement on Network initiated PDP context activation request for an already activated PDP context (on the mobile station side) T1 -
N1‑020700 Sending of RANAP Location Reporting Control on the E Interface - -
N1‑020701 Sending of RANAP Location Reporting Control on the E Interface - -
N1‑020702 Sending of RANAP Location Reporting Control on the E Interface - -
N1‑020703 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020704 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020705 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020706 Correction to CS domain specific system information - -
N1‑020707 Correction to CS domain specific system information - -
N1‑020708 Correction to CS domain specific system information - -
N1‑020709 RR protocol message type octet - -
N1‑020710 RR protocol message type octet - -
N1‑020711 R97 and R99 QoS handling - -
N1‑020712 R97 and R99 QoS handling - -
N1‑020713 R97 and R99 QoS handling - -
N1‑020717 Updating the DRX parameter value - -
N1‑020718 Correction of codec negotiation procedure - -
N1‑020719 Correction of codec negotiation procedure - -
N1‑020720 Support of UMTS AMR 2 in R99 - -
N1‑020722 Impact of regional roaming restrictions on the MM state - -
N1‑020723 Impact of regional roaming restrictions on the MM state - -
N1‑020724 Impact of regional roaming restrictions on the MM state - -
N1‑020725 Correction of repeat indicator IE - -
N1‑020726 Correction of repeat indicator IE - -
N1‑020727 Correction of repeat indicator IE - -
N1‑020728 Removal of the coding rules of type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020729 Removal of the coding rules of type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020730 Removal of the coding rules of type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020731 Clarification of the extension mechanism for type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020732 Clarification of the extension mechanism for type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020733 R97 and R99 QoS handling - -
N1‑020734 R97 and R99 QoS handling - -
N1‑020735 24.229: Alignment with 23.815 regarding transport of charging correlation information - -
N1‑020736 24.229: Alignment with 23.815 regarding overview of charging information - -
N1‑020737 24.229: Clarifications to multiple filter criteria for supporting different type of AS - -
N1‑020738 23.218: Alignment with 23.815 regarding transport of charging correlation information - -
N1‑020739 Proposed WI: MBMS Hutchison 3G -
N1‑020740 Proposed change to 24.229, S-CSCF actions on authentication failure Hutchison 3G -
N1‑020741 S-CSCF Actions on Authentication Failure - -
N1‑020742 Security Association Handling Hutchison 3G -
N1‑020743 Disallow Parallel Registrations - -
N1‑020744 Presence Service Clarifications needed for work split and scope Hutchison 3G -
N1‑020745 Temporary IMPI for IMS Nokia -
N1‑020746 Temporary IMPI insertion in all SIP messages - -
N1‑020747 Hiding - -
N1‑020748 Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia multimediacalls - -
N1‑020749 Restriction of the 0kbits maximum bitrate - -
N1‑020750 Restriction of the 0kbits maximum bitrate - -
N1‑020751 Restriction of the 0kbits maximum bitrate - -
N1‑020752 Reply to N4-020302: Response Liaison Statement on Trace and Availability of IMSI and IMEI SA3 -
N1‑020753 Reply LS on support for subscriber certificates S3 -
N1‑020754 LS on “Requirements on Presence Service” SA3 -
N1‑020755 Security for UE functional split, reply to S1-020300 - -
N1‑020756 LS reply on: Priority Service Feasibility Study - draft TR 22.950 v1.0.0 SA5 -
N1‑020757 LS on S-CSCF change TSG SA2 -
N1‑020758 Response to the LS “Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode” GERAN WG2 -
N1‑020759 Response to "Response Liaison Statement on Trace and Availability of IMSI and IMEI" GERAN 2 -
N1‑020760 Response on P-CSCF behaviour after an integrity failure TSG SA WG3 -
N1‑020761 MRFC registration Ericsson -
N1‑020762 XML body vs. SIP P- headers Ericsson -
N1‑020763 Correction of the SDP references - -
N1‑020764 Support for services for unregistered users - -
N1‑020765 Update of the authorization flows - -
N1‑020766 Info: 3GPP requirements on SIP, Internet Draft Ericsson -
N1‑020767 Correction to the terminating procedures - -
N1‑020768 HSS providing to the S-CSCF the subset of the relevant end user profile - -
N1‑020769 Clarification on SPI related text - -
N1‑020771 Charging Correlation Information Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020772 MRFC interface details Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020773 Summary of current IETF documents on SIP Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020774 Summary of current IETF documents on SIPPING Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020775 Summary of current IETF documents on MMUSIC Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020776 Summary of current IETF documents on SIMPLE Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020777 Passing charging correlation information - -
N1‑020778 Editorials for GPRS Charging ID - -
N1‑020779 Passing GCID to AS - -
N1‑020780 Passing registration ICID - -
N1‑020781 Passing IOI - -
N1‑020782 Passing charging function addresses - -
N1‑020783 MRFC INVITE interface details - -
N1‑020784 MRFC OPTIONS interface details - -
N1‑020786 AS to MRFC optimized signaling - -
N1‑020787 Corrections to original-dialog-id - -
N1‑020788 MGCF procedure clarification - -
N1‑020789 MGCF procedure error cases - -
N1‑020790 MGCF OPTIONS interface details - -
N1‑020791 Abbreviations clean up - -
N1‑020792 Clarification of SIP usage outside IM CN subsystem - -
N1‑020793 Replacement of COMET by UPDATE - -
N1‑020794 Incorporation of current RFC numbers - -
N1‑020795 Clarification of B2BUA usage in roles - -
N1‑020796 Determination of MOC / MTC in P-CSCF and S-CSCF - -
N1‑020797 Determination of MO / MT requests in I-CSCF(THIG) - -
N1‑020798 User-initiated deregistration - -
N1‑020799 P-CSCF release of an existing session - -
N1‑020800 S-CSCF release of an existing session - -
N1‑020802 SDP procedure at the UE - -
N1‑020803 SDP-related procedures at the P-CSCF - -
N1‑020804 - - -
N1‑020805 MO, S-S, MT #1a reference flow update - -
N1‑020806 AS Procedures corrections - -
N1‑020807 R97 and R99 Compatibility - -
N1‑020808 Corrections to SIP Compression - -
N1‑020810 23.218: Clarifications to multiple filter criteria for supporting different type of AS - -
N1‑020811 Correction of terminology in 23.218 regarding Offer-counter offer answer - -
N1‑020812 Filtering for services for unregistered user. - -
N1‑020813 Addition of Max-Forwards Header to Registration Flows - -
N1‑020814 Enhancement of S-CSCF and I-CSCF Routing Procedures for interworking with external networks - -
N1‑020815 Use of P-Headers for 3GPP specific Headers - -
N1‑020816 Correction to text on DTMF handling - -
N1‑020817 Correction to text on DTMF handling - -
N1‑020818 Consideration of SIP timers for 3GPP Ericsson -
N1‑020819 SIP timer default values - -
N1‑020820 Introduction of IMS signalling flag - -
N1‑020821 Upgrading of PDP context modification due to IMS - -
N1‑020822 Addition of new SPLIT_PG_CYCLE RESPONSE IE - -
N1‑020823 Accessing IMS services using a R99/Rel-4 USIM Vodafone -
N1‑020824 IMS key delivery from the S-CSCF to the P-CSCF Nokia -
N1‑020825 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using proprietary auth-param - -
N1‑020826 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using proprietary auth-param. - -
N1‑020827 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using proprietary header - -
N1‑020828 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using proprietary header. - -
N1‑020829 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using XML body - -
N1‑020830 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using XML body - -
N1‑020832 SIP Compression - -
N1‑020834 S-CSCF behavior in case of error from ApplicationServer in response to REGISTER - -
N1‑020835 Cleanup of request / response terminology - clause 5 - -
N1‑020836 Cleanup of request / response terminology - clause 6 - -
N1‑020837 Simplification of profile tables - -
N1‑020838 Revision of signalling compression text to introduce new IETF drafts - -
N1‑020839 Forking options - -
N1‑020840 Media-Authorization header corrections - -
N1‑020841 Clause 5.4 editorials (S-CSCF) - -
N1‑020842 Support for IMS media Multiplexing in Session Management - TFT enhancement - -
N1‑020843 Authentication error cases - -
N1‑020844 Integrity protection signal from P-CSCF to S-CSCF - -
N1‑020845 Integrity protection signal from P-CSCF to S-CSCF - -
N1‑020846 P-headers for original-dialog-id and charging-vector Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020847 Representing IM CN subsystem functional entities in profile table roles - -
N1‑020848 Clause 4 editorials - -
N1‑020849 Clause 5.8 editorials (MRFC) - -
N1‑020850 Annex A editorials, including precondition additions - -
N1‑020851 Representing the registrar as a UA - -
N1‑020852 Additional definitions - -
N1‑020853 Various clean-up of wrong references, as eg 24.008 instead of 04.18 - -
N1‑020854 Various clean-up of wrong references, as eg 24.008 instead of 44.018 - -
N1‑020855 Various clean-up of wrong references, as eg 24.008 instead of 44.018 - -
N1‑020856 Minor correction to TFT - -
N1‑020858 Handling of SM STATUS(#81, #79) and invalid TI of Secondary PDP context - -
N1‑020859 Determination of MOC / MTC at P-CSCF and S-CSCF - -
N1‑020860 Loose Routing for Network Initiated Call Release Procedures - -
N1‑020863 Restructuring of S-CSCF Registration Sections - -
N1‑020866 TS, UDI/RDI Fallback and Service Modification Ericsson -
N1‑020867 UMTS to GSM change during signalling phase of CS call setup - -
N1‑020868 UMTS to GSM change during signalling phase of CS call setup - -
N1‑020869 UMTS to GSM change during signalling phase of CS call setup - -
N1‑020870 Dual Tone Multi-Frequency signalling : Support in the whole 3GPP system, and editorial modifications. - -
N1‑020871 Reply LS on Size of Attach Request message CN1 -
N1‑020872 - - -
N1‑020873 Reply to LS on UE behaviour when network fails authentication procedure CN1 -
N1‑020874 Response to the LS “Access dependent services and features for GERAN Iu mode” CN1 -
N1‑020875 Liaison Statement on IMS Access with a R99/REL-4 USIM CN1 -
N1‑020876 Proposed response to LS on SIP compression N1 -
N1‑020877 [DRAFT] Liaison Statement on adapting to IETF improvements contained in “unified draft” CN1 -
N1‑020878 Liaison Statement on Network initiated PDP context activation request for an already activated PDP context (on the mobile station side) from T1. N1 -
N1‑020879 Sending of RANAP Location Reporting Control on the E Interface - -
N1‑020880 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020881 Correction to CS domain specific system information - -
N1‑020882 Correction to CS domain specific system information - -
N1‑020883 Correction to CS domain specific system information - -
N1‑020884 Correction to CS domain specific system information N1 -
N1‑020885 RR protocol message type octet - -
N1‑020886 RR protocol message type octet - -
N1‑020887 Correction of codec negotiation procedure - -
N1‑020888 Correction of codec negotiation procedure - -
N1‑020889 R97 and R99 Compatibility - -
N1‑020890 R97 and R99 Compatibility - -
N1‑020891 R97 and R99 Compatibility - -
N1‑020892 Clarification of the extension mechanism for type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020893 Clarification of the extension mechanism for type 4 IEs - -
N1‑020894 Restriction of the 0kbits maximum bitrate - -
N1‑020895 Correction to text on DTMF handling - -
N1‑020896 Correction to text on DTMF handling - -
N1‑020897 Restrict mobile use of the SGNSR bit for EDGE Nortel Networks -
N1‑020898 - - -
N1‑020899 - - -
N1‑020900 Issues with SA handling at P-CSCF TSG SA WG3 -
N1‑020901 Integrity protection signal from P-CSCF to S-CSCF - -
N1‑020902 [DRAFT] Reply Liaison Statement ‘Issues with SA handling at P-CSCF’ CN1 -
N1‑020903 S-CSCF Actions on Authentication Failure - -
N1‑020904 Update of the authorization flows - -
N1‑020905 Restructuring of S-CSCF Registration Sections - -
N1‑020906 Disallow Parallel Registrations - -
N1‑020907 Passing registration ICID - -
N1‑020908 Determination of MOC / MTC at P-CSCF and S-CSCF - -
N1‑020909 Determination of MO / MT requests in I-CSCF(THIG) - -
N1‑020910 Hiding - -
N1‑020911 Output of Drafting session for P-Headers Dynamicsoft, Lucent, Ericsson, Hutchison 3G, Vodafone, Siemens, Nortel, Nokia -
N1‑020912 TS, UDI/RDI Fallback and Service Modification Ericsson -
N1‑020913 [DRAFT] Liaison Statement on SPLIT_PG_CYCLE value CN1 -
N1‑020914 Handling of SM STATUS(#81, #97) and invalid TI of Secondary PDP context - -
N1‑020915 Delivery of IMS security parameters from S-CSCF to the P-CSCF by using proprietary auth-param - -
N1‑020916 Integrity protection signal from P-CSCF to S-CSCF - -
N1‑020917 HSS providing to the S-CSCF the subset of the relevant end user profile - -
N1‑020918 Clarification on SPI related text - -
N1‑020919 Updating the DRX parameter value - -
N1‑020920 24.229: Alignment with 23.815 regarding overview of charging information - -
N1‑020921 Editorials for GPRS Charging ID - -
N1‑020922 Passing GCID to AS - -
N1‑020923 Passing IOI - -
N1‑020924 Passing charging function addresses - -
N1‑020925 Proposed WI: Network Sharing Ericsson -
N1‑020927 Correction to the terminating procedures - -
N1‑020928 Enhancement of S-CSCF and I-CSCF Routing Procedures for interworking with external networks - -
N1‑020929 [DRAFT] Liaison Statement on UMTS to GSM change during signalling phase of CS call setup CN1 -
N1‑020930 Liaison Statement on UMTS to GSM change during signalling phase of CS call setup CN1 -
N1‑020931 Reply LS on Size of Attach Request message CN1 -
N1‑020932 SDP procedure at the UE - -
N1‑020933 MO, S-S, MT #1a reference flow update - -
N1‑020934 AS Procedures corrections - -
N1‑020935 MGCF procedure error cases - -
N1‑020936 Incorporation of current RFC numbers - -
N1‑020937 Passing charging correlation information - -
N1‑020938 P-CSCF release of an existing session - -
N1‑020939 S-CSCF release of an existing session - -
N1‑020940 Loose Routing for Network Initiated Call Release Procedures - -
N1‑020941 Clarification of B2BUA usage in roles - -
N1‑020942 Use of Cause #14 in HPLMN Motorola -
N1‑020943 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020944 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020945 Corrections to SIP Compression - -
N1‑020946 Introduction of IMS signalling flag - -
N1‑020947 Liaison Statement ‘Clarification of IMS signalling flag’ CN1 -
N1‑020948 Liaison statement on Charging at I-CSCF CN1 -
N1‑020949 Abbreviations clean up - -
N1‑020950 Clause 5.4 editorials (S-CSCF) - -
N1‑020951 Correction of terminology in 23.218 regarding Offer-counter offer answer - -
N1‑020953 Clarification on SPI related text - -
N1‑020954 HSS providing to the S-CSCF the subset of the relevant end user profile - -
N1‑020955 CN1 Open Items List Dynamicsoft, Lucent, Ericsson, Hutchison 3G, Vodafone, Siemens, Nortel, Nokia, AWS, Motorola -
N1‑020956 Interaction status of CRs on IMS CCR deliverables Lucent Technologies -
N1‑020957 Restructuring of S-CSCF Registration Sections - -
N1‑020958 Determination of MOC / MTC at P-CSCF and S-CSCF - -
N1‑020959 Disallow Parallel Registrations - -
N1‑020960 MGCF procedure error cases - -
N1‑020961 Reply Liaison Statement ‘Issues with SA handling at P-CSCF’ CN1 -
N1‑020962 Liaison Statement on SPLIT_PG_CYCLE value CN1 -
N1‑020963 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020964 Authentication not accepted by MS - -
N1‑020965 Determination of MO / MT requests in I-CSCF(THIG) - -
N1‑020966 24.229: Alignment with 23.815 regarding overview of charging information - -
N1‑020967 Passing IOI - -
N1‑020968 SDP procedure at the UE - -
N1‑020969 Restructuring of S-CSCF Registration Sections - -
N1‑020970 Determination of MO / MT requests in I-CSCF(THIG) - -
N1‑020971 SDP procedure at the UE - -
N1‑020972 HSS providing to the S-CSCF the subset of the relevant end user profile - -

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