Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: CP-37 - 2007-09-12 to 2007-09-14, Riga

meeting id: CP-37 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
CP‑070505 - Source -
CP‑070506 - Source -
CP‑070507 - Source -
CP‑070508 - Source -
CP‑070509 - Source -
CP‑070510 - Source -
CP‑070511 - - -
CP‑070512 - - -
CP‑070513 Status report from CT4 to TSG-CT Plenary Meeting #37 CT4 Chairman -
CP‑070514 - - -
CP‑070515 CT4 Output LS after CT#36 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070516 WID for IMS Application Server Service Data Descriptions for AS interoperability. TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070517 WID for Support of (G)MSC-S – (G)MSC-S Nc Interface based on the SIP-I protocol TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070518 CAT solution for voice and video call in CS domain TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070519 Corrections on MAP Rel-4 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070520 Corrections on IMS Rel-5 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070521 Corrections on CSSPLIT and Mc interface Rel-5 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070522 Corrections on IMS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070523 Corrections on Charging ID TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070524 Corrections on Target Identification Encoding TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070525 Corrections on Mn interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070526 Corrections on WLAN interworking TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070527 Corrections on IMS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070528 Corrections on Subscriber Certificates TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070529 Corrections on MBMS and GPRS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070530 Corrections on CSSPLIT and Mc interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070531 CR database structure MCC -
CP‑070532 Specs lists per Release; a comparison MCC -
CP‑070533 Specs status list prior to RAN/CT/SA meetings 37 MCC -
CP‑070534 - - -
CP‑070535 Specs pertaining to frozen Releases not yet under change control MCC -
CP‑070536 CRs to drafting rules on tools versions MCC -
CP‑070537 Upgrade working methods to Rel-8 MCC -
CP‑070538 Corrections on Mn interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070539 Corrections on Mp interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070540 Corrections on CAMEL and MAP TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070541 Corrections on SMS over IP TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070542 Corrections on Location Services TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070543 Corrections on Supplementary Services TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070544 QoS Enhancements TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070545 Corrections on M2PA-M3UA TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070546 Enhancements on EVA TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070547 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Ericsson -
CP‑070548 CT3 Status Report to CT Plenary Chairman CT3 ( -
CP‑070549 - - -
CP‑070550 All LSs sent from CT3 since TSG CT#36 meeting MCC -
CP‑070551 Rel 6 (and Rel-7 mirror) CRs on Correction to Mn procedures CT3 -
CP‑070552 Rel-6 (and Rel-7 mirror) CRs on the MBMS Gmb CT3 -
CP‑070553 IMS-CS multimedia interworking CT3 -
CP‑070554 IMS-CS multimedia interworking : MONA Mn Procedures CT3 -
CP‑070555 Rel-7 CRs to TS29.212 on PCC CT3 -
CP‑070556 Extension of IP-CAN-Type AVP to specify non-3GPP IP-CANs CT3 -
CP‑070557 Rel-7 CRs to TS29.213 on PCC CT3 -
CP‑070558 Rel-7 CRs to TS29.214 on PCC CT3 -
CP‑070559 Service Information accepted by PCRF CT3 -
CP‑070560 Correction of implementation error of CR 0199 CT3 -
CP‑070561 7 Khz Mapping CT3 -
CP‑070562 Rel-7 CRs on IMS-CS interworking CT3 -
CP‑070563 Mn Procedures for P-early-media SIP header CT3 -
CP‑070564 BM-SC addressing in the MBMS roaming case CT3 -
CP‑070565 Rel-8 CRs on IMS-CS interworking for PacketCable interworking CT3 -
CP‑070566 SIP-ISUP Interworking addition of Overlap signalling at the MGCF CT3 -
CP‑070567 Revision of IMS inter-operator service interconnection interface WID CT3 -
CP‑070568 Unified guidelines of Diameter usage within 3GPP CT3 -
CP‑070569 Corrections on CSSPLIT and Mc interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070570 CT1 status report CT1 chairman -
CP‑070571 CT1-48 Draft Meeting Report MCC -
CP‑070572 Outgoing LSs sent from CT1 since CT#36 CT1 -
CP‑070573 - CT1 -
CP‑070574 PNM WID Update CT1 -
CP‑070575 Update to the WID for IMS Inter-working Protocol Aspects in Support of Cable Regulatory requirements CT1 -
CP‑070576 Update to WID for Multimedia Priority Service CT1 -
CP‑070577 CR for Rel-4 WI TEI4 CT1 -
CP‑070578 CRs for Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑070579 CRs for Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑070580 CRs for Rel-6 WI IMS2 CT1 -
CP‑070581 CRs for Rel-6 WI PRESNC CT1 -
CP‑070582 CR for Rel-7 WI TEI7 CT1 -
CP‑070583 CRs for Rel-7 WI PCC CT1 -
CP‑070584 CRs for Rel-7 WI EMC1 CT1 -
CP‑070585 CRs for Rel-7 WI EMC1 CT1 -
CP‑070586 CRs for Rel-7 WI ServID CT1 -
CP‑070587 CRs for Rel-7 WI MTSI CT1 -
CP‑070588 CR for Rel-7 WI MTSI CT1 -
CP‑070589 CRs for Rel-7 WI MTSI CT1 -
CP‑070590 CRs for Rel-7 WI IMSProtoc CT1 -
CP‑070591 CRs for Rel-7 WI IMSProtoc, TEI7 CT1 -
CP‑070592 CRs for Rel-7 WI GRUU CT1 -
CP‑070593 CRs for Rel-7 WI VCC CT1 -
CP‑070594 CRs for Rel-7 WI CSItermS CT1 -
CP‑070595 CRs for Rel-7 WI IMSConf CT1 -
CP‑070596 CRs for Rel-7 WI FBI, FBI-PCBL CT1 -
CP‑070597 CR for Rel-7 WI NSP-CR CT1 -
CP‑070598 CRs for Rel-7 WI TEI7 CT1 -
CP‑070599 CR for Rel-7 WI LATRED CT1 -
CP‑070600 CRs for Rel-8 WI PRIOR-MM CT1 -
CP‑070601 CRs for Rel-8 WI PktCbl-Sec CT1 -
CP‑070602 CR for Rel-8 WI EVA CT1 -
CP‑070603 CRs for Rel-8 WI IMSProtoc2 CT1 -
CP‑070604 CRs for Rel-8 WI TEI8 CT1 -
CP‑070605 - - -
CP‑070606 Draft Report of CT WG6 meeting #44 Secretary of 3GPP TSG CT WG6 (MCC) -
CP‑070607 LS handling at CT WG6 meeting #44 CT WG6 -
CP‑070608 3 Rel-99, Rel-4, Rel-5 CRs against 31.122 (TEI) CT WG6 -
CP‑070609 2 Rel-4 CRs against 51.010^^4 (TEI4) CT WG6 -
CP‑070610 4 Rel-4 and Rel-7 related CRs against 51.010-4 and 31.124 (TEI4, TEI7) CT WG6 -
CP‑070611 2 Rel-6 CRs against 31.102 (TEI6) CT WG6 -
CP‑070612 3 Rel-6, Rel-7 CRs against 31.111 (TEI6) CT WG6 -
CP‑070613 1 Rel-6 CR against 31.121 (TEI6) CT WG6 -
CP‑070614 1 Rel-6 CR against 31.124 (TEI6) CT WG6 -
CP‑070615 1 Rel-6 CR against 31.122 (TEI6) CT WG6 -
CP‑070616 1 Rel-7 CR against 31.111 (TEI7) CT WG6 -
CP‑070617 2 Rel-7 CRs against 31.121 (TEI7) CT WG6 -
CP‑070618 5 Rel-7 CRs against 31.122 (TEI7) CT WG6 -
CP‑070619 6 Rel-7 CRs against 31.124 (TEI7) CT WG6 -
CP‑070620 2 Rel-7 CRs against 31.102 and 31.103 (KeyEstUTerm) CT WG6 -
CP‑070621 1 Rel-7 CR against 31.111 (NSP-CR) CT WG6 -
CP‑070622 Updated WID: "Contact Manager for 3GPP UICC applications" CT WG6 -
CP‑070623 LS on support for intra UTRAN service continuity based on Rel-7 VCC framework CT1 -
CP‑070624 LS on New WI and TR for Diameter-based protocols usage and recommendations in 3GPP CT3 -
CP‑070625 LS on Customized Alerting Tones in 3G CS domain CT4 -
CP‑070626 LS Reply to Q3/SG16 ITU-T on H.248.Resman TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑070627 - - -
CP‑070628 - - -
CP‑070629 Response LS on Interface for GBA usage with HLR TSG-SA -
CP‑070630 Reply to LS on support for intra UTRAN service continuity based on Rel-7 VCC framework TSG SA -
CP‑070631 LS regarding agreements reached to accommodate work on “Common IMS” in 3GPP TSG SA -
CP‑070632 Stage3 for Paging Permission with Access Control cover sheet NTT DoCoMo -
CP‑070633 Title - -
CP‑070634 Request on TS Work for Public Warning System ARIB, TTC -
CP‑070635 PWS: How to progress PWS in Release 8 NTT DoCoMo -
CP‑070636 - - -
CP‑070637 - - -
CP‑070638 All LSs sent from CT5 since TSG CT#36 Meeting CT5 (OSA Stage 2/3) -
CP‑070639 R6/7 CR 29.198-15 OSA API - Stage 3 CT5 (OSA Stage 2/3) -
CP‑070640 R7 CR 29.199-12/14/15 OSA Web Services - Stage 3 CT5 (OSA Stage 2/3) -
CP‑070641 R8 CR 29.199-02/03/11 OSA Web Services - Stage 3 CT5 (OSA Stage 2/3) -
CP‑070644 - - -
CP‑070645 - - -
CP‑070646 - - -
CP‑070647 1 Rel-7 CR against 31.111 (NSP-CR) CT WG6 -
CP‑070648 - - -
CP‑070649 - - -
CP‑070650 LS on solution investigation request for paging permission with access control SA2 -
CP‑070651 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. CableLabs -
CP‑070652 Service Identification in Accept-Contact header Discussion Paper RIM -
CP‑070653 LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.5 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070654 TS 23.401, version 1.2.1 for information SA WG2 -
CP‑070655 TS 23.402, version 1.3.0 for information SA WG2 -
CP‑070656 [DRAFT][D1] LS on New WI and TR for Diameter-based protocols usage and recommendations in 3GPP CT -
CP‑070657 LS on discontinuing of 23.140 in Rel-7 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070658 DRAFT LS on Common IMS 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070659 LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.5 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070660 Title - -
CP‑070661 1 Rel-7 CR against 31.111 (NSP-CR) CT WG6 -
CP‑070662 - - -
CP‑070663 - - -
CP‑070664 - - -
CP‑070665 - - -
CP‑070666 - - -
CP‑070667 R6/7 CR 29.198-15 OSA API - Stage 3 CT5 (OSA Stage 2/3) -
CP‑070668 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Ericsson -
CP‑070669 - - -
CP‑070670 - - -
CP‑070671 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks -
CP‑070672 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks -
CP‑070673 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Source to TSG:?[H10] -
CP‑070674 - - -
CP‑070675 - - -
CP‑070676 - - -
CP‑070677 Future meetings MCC -
CP‑070678 - - -
CP‑070679 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks -
CP‑070680 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks -
CP‑070681 LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.5 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070682 LS on New WI and TR for Diameter-based protocols usage and recommendations in 3GPP CT -
CP‑070683 LS on discontinuing of 23.140 in Rel-7 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070684 LS on Common IMS 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070685 WID for IMS Application Server Service Data Descriptions for AS interoperability. TSG CT WG4 (revised at CT Plenary) -
CP‑070686 Rel-8 CRs on IMS-CS interworking for PacketCable interworking CT Plenary (was CT3) -
CP‑070687 LS on Overlap signalling at the I-MGCF 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070688 LS on 3GPP web-page for URNs for ICSI & IARI CT -
CP‑070689 - - -
CP‑070690 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks -
CP‑070691 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks -
CP‑070692 - - -
CP‑070693 - - -
CP‑070694 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Source to TSG:?[H10] -
CP‑070695 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Source to TSG:?[H10] -
CP‑070696 LS on Common IMS 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑070697 LS on 3GPP web-page for URNs for ICSI & IARI CT -
CP‑070698 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Source to TSG:?[H10] -
CP‑070699 One or more organizations (3GPP Individual Members) which drafted the CR and are presenting it to the Working Group. Source to TSG:?[H10] -

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