Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 31.111 : Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) Application Toolkit (USAT)

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
- - - -
870099 Rel-19
890034 5GSAT_ARCH Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Rel-17
800048 5GSAT Stage 1 of 5GSAT Rel-17
911030 5GSAT_ARCH-CT CT aspects of 5GC architecture for satellite networks Rel-17
930019 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Architecture support for NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS Rel-17
880049 eCPSOR_CON Enhancement for the 5G Control Plane Steering of Roaming for UE in Connected mode Rel-17
850045 MINT Support for Minimization of service Interruption Rel-17
930003 - Stage 3 of MINT Rel-17
930049 - CT1 aspects of MINT Rel-17
930045 - CT4 aspects of MINT Rel-17
930048 - CT6 aspects of MINT Rel-17
950040 NSWO_5G Non-Seamless WLAN offload in 5GS Rel-17
880019 5GProtoc17 Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 Rel-17
740005 5GS_Ph1 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
750025 5GS_Ph1-CT CT aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
760034 - CT6 aspects of PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
730030 - CT6 aspects of V2X Services Rel-14
730016 - CT6 aspects of eDecor Rel-14
680004 - Stage 1 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
720080 PS_Data_Off PS Data Off Services Rel-14
740041 PS_DATA_OFF-CT Stage 3 of PS Data Off Rel-14
740044 - CT6 aspects of PS Data Off Rel-14
640040 eProSe Enhancements to Proximity-based Services Rel-13
680006 eProSe-Ext-CT CT aspects of enhancements to Proximity-based Rel-13
680009 - CT4 aspects of enhancements to Proximity-based Rel-13
680010 - CT6 aspects of enhancements to Proximity-based Rel-13
670026 Red_UCe Review of dedicated 3GPP UICC features Rel-13
520029 SMSMI Short Message Service (SMS) submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS Rel-12
560022 MTCe Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications enhancements Rel-12
560322 MTCe-UEPCOP BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) Rel-12
620007 MTCe-UEPCOP-CT Stage 3 for BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) Rel-12
620307 MTCe-UEPCOP-CT6 CT6 part of Stage 3 for BB3: UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) Rel-12
580059 ProSe Proximity-based Services Rel-12
630006 ProSe-CT CT aspects of Proximity-based Services (Stage 3) Rel-12
590043 MI MBMS Improvements Rel-12
590009 IMS_UApAs IMS impacts on UICC Application Aspects (Stage 3) Rel-12
530406 - CT6 part of Stage 3 BB1: Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
530048 EMM Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and Performance Improvements Rel-11
510004 HPM_UICC Definition of the UICC Application for Hosting Party Module Rel-11
410030 NIMTC Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
490011 AT_UICC AT Commands for USIM Application Toolkit (USAT) Rel-10
490012 CC_IMS_USIM Communication Control for IMS by USIM (Stage 3) Rel-10
500007 SCWS_L Introduction of Smart Card Web Server launch functionality Rel-10
500008 USAT_AT USAT using AT Commands Rel-10
510010 IMS-UICC-S UICC access to IMS Specification Rel-10
510110 - CT6 part of UICC access to IMS Specification Rel-10
350014 RED Deleted - Registration in Densely-populated area (RED) Rel-10
480017 FS_IMS-UICC Study on UICC access to IMS Rel-10
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
390021 - CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8
390121 - Core specification for CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8
380009 CW_IMS Communication Wait on IMS Rel-8
340030 IWLANNSP I-WLAN Network Selection Principle (NSP) Rel-8
390125 - CT6 part of Stage 3 for I-WLAN NSP Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
43008 - Alignment with requirements regarding USSD usage Rel-7
7041 NSP Network selection enhancements (NSP) Rel-7
320013 NSP-CR Procedural aspects of NSP Rel-7
1571 SEC16 Rel-6 Security enhancements Rel-6
31012 WLAN WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 Rel-6
33002 SEC1-SC Subscriber certificates Rel-6
14504 - Stage 3 for Subscriber certificates Rel-6
35016 CH Rel-6 Charging Management Rel-6
1800 USAT1 Rel-6 UICC/USIM enhancements and interworking Rel-6
502031 - C SIM API Rel-6
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5
10004 - Main IETF dependencies Rel-5
2521 - IETF: RFC 3261 (Session Initiation Protocol) Rel-5
2523 - IETF: RFC 3262 (Reliability of provisional responses) Rel-5
2522 - IETF: RFC 3312 (Without COMET)(Integration of resource management and SIP) Rel-5
2524 - IETF: RFC 3323 (SIP extensions for caller identity and privacy) Rel-5
2525 - IETF: RFC 3313 (SIP extensions for media authorization) Rel-5
11000 - IETF: RFC 3265 (specific event notification) Rel-5
11001 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (refer method) Rel-5
11002 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (DHCP options for SIP servers) Rel-5
11004 - IETF: RFC 3267 (AMR and AMR WB RTP and SDP) Rel-5
11005 - IETF: RFC 3266 (IPv6 support within SDP) Rel-5
11022 - IETF: RFC 3311 (The Update method) Rel-5
11023 - IETF: RFC 3324 (Network Asserted Identity) Rel-5
11024 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (Various 3GPP Private Extensions) Rel-5
1290 - Addressing Rel-5
1291 - Architectural issues Rel-5
1292 - Impact on HSS Rel-5
50033 EPC Enhanced Power Control Rel-5
501800 USAT5 Rel-5 USIM toolkit enhancements Rel-5
2520 UEM User Equipment Management Rel-5
1818 MMS4 Multimedia Messaging Rel-4
2034 USAT1-LocLnk USAT local link Rel-4
60147 MMS Multimedia Messaging Service R99
60173 UICC UICC / Terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics R99
60174 USIM Characteristics of the USIM application R99
60139 SAT SIM Application Toolkit R99
60141 USAT USIM Application Toolkit R99
60132 GPRS General Packet Radio Service R99
60125 USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) R99

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