Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 24.341 : Support of SMS over IP networks; Stage 3

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
- - - -
870099 Rel-19
960055 5GProtoc18 Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 18 Rel-18
910065 eNPN Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks Rel-17
880019 5GProtoc17 Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 Rel-17
880045 5GProtoc17-non3GPP Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 non-IETF aspects Rel-17
870078 5GProtoc16 (IETF) Location Source Parameter for the SIP Geolocation Header Field (draft-ietf-sipcore-locparam) Rel-16
740005 5GS_Ph1 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
760029 5GS_Ph1-IMSo5G IMS impact due to 5GS IP-CAN Rel-15
760030 PS_DATA_OFF2 PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
760031 PS_DATA_OFF2-CT Stage 3 of PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
870065 IMSProtoc8 (IETF) Update to Private Header Field P-Visited-Network-ID in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Requests and Responses (draft-jesske-update-p-visited-network) Rel-15
720080 PS_Data_Off PS Data Off Services Rel-14
740041 PS_DATA_OFF-CT Stage 3 of PS Data Off Rel-14
720037 IOC_UE_conf Improved operator control using new UE configuration parameters Rel-14
720038 - CT1 aspects of IOC_UE_conf Rel-14
720040 - IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-14
640052 ACDC Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication Rel-13
660039 ACDC-CT Stage 3 for Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication Rel-13
520029 SMSMI Short Message Service (SMS) submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS Rel-12
590013 SMSMI-CT Stage 3 for SMS submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS Rel-12
590113 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for SMS submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMS Rel-12
590043 MI MBMS Improvements Rel-12
580013 IMSProtoc6 IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment - phase 6 Rel-12
610008 UP6665 Updating IMS to conform to RFC 6665 (Stage 3) Rel-12
610108 - CT1 part of Updating IMS to conform to RFC 6665 Rel-12
630031 SCM_LTE Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN Rel-12
640005 SCM_LTE-CT CT aspects of Smart Congestion Mitigation in E-UTRAN (Stage 3) Rel-12
480030 SIMTC System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
520021 SIMTC-Reach BB1: Stage 2 Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
530106 - CT1 part of Stage 3 BB1: Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
560027 IOC IMS Overload Control Rel-11
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
380001 REDOC_TIS-C1 Documentation of TISPAN R1 and R2 in CT1 Rel-8
340031 MESSIW Service-Level Interworking for Messaging Services Rel-8
400017 - CT1 part of Stage 3 for MESSIW Rel-8
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
32081 SMSIP Support of SMS over generic 3GPP IP access Rel-7
310002 - CT1 aspects for SMSIP Rel-7
711052 IMSProtoc IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-7
35016 CH Rel-6 Charging Management Rel-6
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34