Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 23.228 : IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
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870099 Rel-19
970014 NG_RTC System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Rel-18
910065 eNPN Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks Rel-17
900015 - Stage 2 for eNPN Rel-17
840049 MUSIM Support for Multi-USIM Devices Rel-17
840046 MPS2 Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) Phase 2 Rel-17
940047 TEI17_IMSGID IMS Optimization for HSS Group ID in an SBA environment (St. 2) Rel-17
870003 - Stage 2 for TEI17_IMSGID Rel-17
870004 - Stage 2 for TEI17_SAPES Rel-17
830047 eNA Enablers for Network Automation for 5G Rel-16
810040 5G_MEDIA_MTSI_ext Media Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational Services Rel-16
810044 MuD Multi-device and multi-identity Rel-16
760003 PARLOS Provision of Access to Restricted Local Operator Services by Unauthenticated UEs Rel-16
810008 - Stage 2 of PARLOS Rel-16
780029 FS_eIMS5G Study on Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration Rel-16
840062 eIMS5G_SBA SBA aspects of enhanced IMS to 5GC integration Rel-16
830028 - Stage 2 of eIMS5G_SBA Rel-16
840065 UDICOM User data interworking, Coexistence and Migration Rel-16
830029 - Stage 2 of UDICOM Rel-16
820005 LI16 Lawful Interception Rel-16 Rel-16
740005 5GS_Ph1 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
740061 - Stage 2 of 5G System - Phase 1 Rel-15
760030 PS_DATA_OFF2 PS Data Off Phase 2 Rel-15
730359 CIoT_Ext Extended architecture support for Cellular Internet of Things Rel-14
720031 EWE EIR check for WLAN access to EPC Rel-14
720019 SEW2 Phase 2 of the Support of Emergency services over WLAN Rel-14
680004 - Stage 1 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
720080 PS_Data_Off PS Data Off Services Rel-14
720079 FS_PS_DATA_OFF Study on Stage 2 of PS Data off function Rel-14
740004 - Stage 2 of PS Data Off Rel-14
710048 V8 S8 Home Routing Architecture for VoLTE Rel-14
720017 - S8 Home Routing Architecture for VoLTE Rel-14
720084 RobVoLTE Robust Call Setup for VoLTE subscriber in LTE Rel-14
720301 - Robust Call Setup for VoLTE subscriber in LTE Rel-14
720085 delFS_LTE_SON_eCOMP Stopped - Study on SON for eCoMP for LTE Rel-14
620064 MCPTT Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTT) Rel-13
630014 eWebRTCi Enhancements to WEBRTC interoperability Rel-13
640038 - Stage 2 for Enhancements to WEBRTC interoperability Rel-13
640040 eProSe Enhancements to Proximity-based Services Rel-13
640041 eProSe-Ext-SA2 Stage 2 for Enhancements to Proximity-based Services - Extensions Rel-13
640045 voE_UTRAN_PPD voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation Rel-13
640245 voE_UTRAN_PPD-SA2 Stage 2 for voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy Differentiation Rel-13
640053 DRuMS Double Resource Reuse for Multiple Media Sessions Rel-13
640153 DRuMS-SA2 Stage 2 for Double Resource Reuse for Multiple Media Sessions Rel-13
690008 SEW1 Support of Emergency services over WLAN – phase 1 Rel-13
680051 - Stage 2 of Support of Emergency services over WLAN - phase 1 Rel-13
700012 CIoT Cellular (Narrowband) Internet of Things Rel-13
699999 DUMMY Awaiting formal work item Rel-13
560022 MTCe Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications enhancements Rel-12
560025 BusTI IMS Business Trunking for IP-PBX in Static Mode of Operation Rel-12
560225 BusTI-SA2 Stage 2 for IMS Business Trunking for IP-PBX in Static Mode of Operation Rel-12
570028 IMS_RegCon Deleted - IMS Registration Control Rel-12
580056 IMS_RegCon-del2 Deleted - Stage 2 for IMS Registration Control Rel-12
580059 ProSe Proximity-based Services Rel-12
580062 IMS_WebRTC Web Real Time Communication access to IMS Rel-12
600041 - Stage 2 for Web Real Time Communication access to IMS Rel-12
610040 NETLOC_TWAN Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case Rel-12
610140 NETLOC_TWAN-SA2 Stage 2 for Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case Rel-12
580020 IMS_SSFDD IM-SSF Application Server Service Data Descriptions (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
630005 IMS_Corp2 Transfer of ETSI business trunking specifications Rel-12
470051 IPXS Advanced IP Interconnection of Services Rel-11
500025 - Stage 2 for Advanced IP Interconnection of Services Rel-11
480030 SIMTC System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications Rel-11
520021 SIMTC-Reach BB1: Stage 2 Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
490032 OSCAR Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming Rel-11
480038 NWK-PL2IMS Network-provided Location information for IMS (NETLOC) Rel-11
480238 - Stage 2 for Network-provided Location information for IMS Rel-11
540029 RAVEL Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout Rel-11
540129 - Stage 2 for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout Rel-11
560027 IOC IMS Overload Control Rel-11
560127 - Stage 2 for IMS Overload Control Rel-11
410041 FS_eIMS Study on IMS Evolution Rel-11
390073 eMPS Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service Rel-10
460329 - Stage 2 on eMPS for CSFB Rel-10
460429 - Stage 2 on eMPS for EPS Bearer Service Rel-10
460529 - Stage 2 on eMPS for IMS Aspects Rel-10
450044 ECSRA_LAA Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications Rel-10
450046 - Stage 2 for Enabling Coder Selection and Rate Adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for Load Adaptive Applications Rel-10
460028 OMR Optimal Media Routing Rel-10
460128 - Stage 2 for Optimal Media Routing Rel-10
500006 PEST Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Databases Rel-10
470003 IMSProtoc4 IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment - phase 4 Rel-10
380083 FS_IPXS Study on advanced requirements for IP interconnect Rel-10
370050 FS_IMS_LBO_ORM Study on System enhancements for the use of IMS services in Local BreakOut and Optimal Routing of Media Rel-10
410032 IMS_SCC IMS Services Centralization and Continuity Rel-9
410135 IMS_SCC-ICS Stage 2/3 for IMS Centralized Services Rel-9
380064 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
410037 - Stage 2 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
390008 - Stage 2 GPRS for EPC (23.060, etc.) Rel-8
390172 - Stage 3 security aspects for MIPv4 Access Rel-8
350031 SAES-SA_IMS SAE impacts on IMS Rel-8
390036 SAES-CSFB CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8
390039 SAES-IMS_LBO System enhancements for the use of IMS services in local breakout Rel-8
390021 - CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8
390018 - Issues for CT1 TR 24.801 Rel-8
390019 - Issues for CT3 TR 29.804 Rel-8
390020 - Deleted - Issues for CT4 TR 29.803 Rel-8
320030 SAES-St2 Deleted - Stage 2 of architecture for the 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
350023 SAES-SA Deleted - SA aspects of System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
370025 ICSRA IMS Centralized Service control Rel-8
380040 ICSRA-St2 Stage 2 for ICS Requirement and Architecture Rel-8
390035 CIMS_3GPP2 3GPP2 Input to Common IMS Rel-8
390051 - Stage 2 CIMS_3GPP2 Rel-8
350009 - Architecture aspects of PktCbl-Deploy Rel-8
350011 PktCbl-Intw IMS Inter-working aspects in Support of Cable Regulatory requirements Rel-8
350012 - Architecture aspects of PktCbl-Interwork Rel-8
360012 IMS_Corp IMS System enhancements for corporate network access Rel-8
360014 - SA2 aspects of IMS_Corp Rel-8
380043 IMS_Comm_Doc Documentation of TISPAN NGN R1 and R2 in 3GPP SA2 Rel-8
390056 IMS-Cont IMS Service Continuity Rel-8
7005 IMS_NNI System enhancements for interconnection interfaces between two IMSs Rel-8
360024 - Stage 2 for IMS_NNI Rel-8
380024 eMp Conferencing enhancements for Mp interface Rel-8
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8
330010 FBI2 Deleted - never approved- FBI Phase 2 Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
732097 ServID Identification of Communication Services in IMS Rel-7
32107 - Stage 1,2 of ServID Rel-7
32116 GRUU Supporting Globally Routable User Agent URIs in IMS Rel-7
7010 - Stage 1,2 of GRUU Rel-7
7038 MTSI Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS Rel-7
380072 IMS_Comm_Mtce7 SA1,SA2 part of Maintenance of TISPAN release 1 common IMS Rel-7
32045 EMC1 PS domain and IMS impacts for supporting IMS Emergency calls (EMC1) Rel-7
32046 - Study on Stage 2 for IMS-level solution Rel-7
32100 - Stage 2 Specification Phase - IMS-level Rel-7
1653 - Emergency Call Enhancements for IP& PS Based Calls – stage 3 Rel-7
32074 FBI System enhancements for Fixed Broadband access to IMS Rel-7
7002 FBI-PCBL PacketCable Related aspects Rel-7
7003 - Stage 1,2 of FBI for PacketCable Rel-7
32081 SMSIP Support of SMS over generic 3GPP IP access Rel-7
32082 PCC Evolution of Policy Control and Charging Rel-7
32109 - Evolution of policy control and flow based bearer level charging Rel-7
32091 VCC Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN) Rel-7
320029 CSItermS CSI Terminating Session handling Rel-7
340014 - Stage 2 of CStermS Rel-7
711052 IMSProtoc IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment Rel-7
14012 Mp Mp (MRFC - MRFP) interface Rel-7
32113 IMS-EMER Deleted - PS domain and IMS support for IMS Emergency sessions Rel-7
32005 IMSLocal Deleted - IMS Local services Rel-7
31077 PNPAN Deleted - Covered by SI - Personal Network (PN) and Personal Area Network (PAN) Rel-7
32112 IMS-RT Deleted - Study on IMS enhancements and optimizations for real time communication. Rel-7
32117 CSIterm Deleted - Study on Terminating Session handling Rel-7
32021 IMS2 IMS Phase 2 Rel-6
32036 - Stage 2 for IMS Group Management Rel-6
32037 - Stage 2 for IMS Conferencing Rel-6
32700 - Stage 2 for IMS Messaging Rel-6
32041 - Stage 2 for add SIP cap (e.g. forking) Rel-6
32063 PoC 3GPP Enablers for services like Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC) Rel-6
11032 IMSCOOP Interoperability and Commonality between IMS using different IP-connectivity Networks Rel-6
31008 GUP Generic User Profile Rel-6 Rel-6
32016 QoS1 QoS Improvements Rel-6
35016 CH Rel-6 Charging Management Rel-6
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5
1274 IMS-CCR Call control and roaming to support IMS in UMTS Rel-5
1514 - Stage 2 (Architecture and Main flows) Rel-5
10004 - Main IETF dependencies Rel-5
2521 - IETF: RFC 3261 (Session Initiation Protocol) Rel-5
2523 - IETF: RFC 3262 (Reliability of provisional responses) Rel-5
2522 - IETF: RFC 3312 (Without COMET)(Integration of resource management and SIP) Rel-5
2524 - IETF: RFC 3323 (SIP extensions for caller identity and privacy) Rel-5
2525 - IETF: RFC 3313 (SIP extensions for media authorization) Rel-5
11000 - IETF: RFC 3265 (specific event notification) Rel-5
11001 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (refer method) Rel-5
11002 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (DHCP options for SIP servers) Rel-5
11004 - IETF: RFC 3267 (AMR and AMR WB RTP and SDP) Rel-5
11005 - IETF: RFC 3266 (IPv6 support within SDP) Rel-5
11022 - IETF: RFC 3311 (The Update method) Rel-5
11023 - IETF: RFC 3324 (Network Asserted Identity) Rel-5
11024 - IETF: RFC editor Queue (Various 3GPP Private Extensions) Rel-5
1290 - Addressing Rel-5
1291 - Architectural issues Rel-5
1292 - Impact on HSS Rel-5
1298 IMS-ASEC Access Security for IMS Rel-5
1826 TLM5 Rel-5 Terminal interfaces Rel-5
2556 E2EQoS End to End QoS for PS Domain including IMS Rel-5
401652 EMC1-CS Rel-4 Emergency call enhancements Rel-4
401826 TI Rel-4 Terminal interfaces Rel-4
60165 UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network R99
60174 USIM Characteristics of the USIM application R99
60192 LI Lawful Interception for GSM Features transposed to UMTS R99
60076 QoS End-to-end UMTS Quality of Service management R99

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