Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP active work programme

Click on UID to show list of all TSs and TRs associated with this work item.

Click on WI code to see a list of TSs and TRs specifically resulting from this work item.

Click on the percentage completion to see a list of approved Change Requests associated with this work item.

The "impact" shows an empirical best-guess of which TSs and TRs are likely to be modified as a result of the WI.

Work Items which have been abandoned are greyed out, and the TSG meeting at which they were abandoned is shown in the final column.

UID code title release lead body completion %
WID TDoc WID history created date last updated remarks abandoned
370059 IMSTSS IMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary Services Rel-8 C4, C3, C1, S5, S1 09/12/2014


history 2007/11/19 19/11/2007 SP#43 completed
370060 IMSSS-Gal ... General aspects of IMS Sup Services Rel-8 C4, C3, C1, S1 06/03/2009


SP-070691 history 2007/11/19 19/11/2007 CP#43 completed
370023 TISCAPR8 ...... Service and Capability for Core IMS - inclusion of TISPAN requirements Rel-8 S1 14/12/2007


SP-070691 history 2007/10/02 20/03/2008 SP#39 completed
380001 REDOC_TIS-C1 ...... Documentation of TISPAN R1 and R2 in CT1 Rel-8 C1 12/09/2008


CP-080213 history 2007/11/28 01/08/2008 CP#41 completed
380002 REDOC_TIS-C3 ...... Documentation of TISPAN R1 and R2 in CT3 Rel-8 C3 06/03/2009


CP-080213 history 2007/11/28 07/12/2009 CP#43 completed
380003 REDOC_TIS-C4 ...... Documentation of TISPAN R1 and R2 in CT4 Rel-8 C4 12/09/2008


CP-080213 history 2007/11/28 01/09/2008 CP#41 completed
370062 IMS-MMTel ... IMS Multimedia Telephony Service Rel-8 S5, S1 12/03/2009


history 2007/11/19 19/11/2007 SP#43 completed
370024 TMMTEL ...... Merging TISPAN MMTel [requirements] for Common IMS Rel-8 S1 07/12/2007


SP-070569 history 2007/10/02 19/11/2007 SP#38 completed
380041 MMTel-CH ...... Multimedia Telephony Service and Supplementary Services (MMTel) offline Charging Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-080848 history 2005/06/17 23/02/2009 CP#43 completed
380006 CCBS_CCNR ... Call Completion on Busy Subscriber (CCBS)/Call Completion on Non-Reachable (CCNR) on IMS Rel-8 C3, C1 14/06/2013


CP-080215 history 2007/11/14 29/11/2007 CP#43 completed
380007 - ...... CT1 part of Stage 3 CCBS_CCNR Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080215 history 2007/11/14 11/01/2012 CP#43 completed
380008 - ...... CT3 part of Stage 3 CCBS_CCNR Rel-8 C3 05/12/2008


CP-080215 history 2007/11/14 11/01/2012 CP#42 completed
521019 - ...... (IETF) Stage 3 CCBS_CCNR [RFC 6910 (was draft-ietf-bliss-call-completion)] Rel-8 14/06/2013


CP-080215 history 2011/06/20 10/06/2013 CP#60 completed
390058 FA ... Flexible Alerting Rel-8 C1, S1 06/03/2009


CP-080219 history 2008/03/03 15/04/2008 CP#43 completed
390059 - ...... Stage 1 FA Rel-8 S1 05/06/2008


history 2008/03/03 18/09/2008 SP#40 completed
390015 - ...... Stage 3 FA Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080219 history 2008/03/03 20/02/2009 CP#43 completed
380009 CW_IMS ... Communication Wait on IMS Rel-8 C3, C1 09/12/2014


CP-080214 history 2007/11/14 15/04/2008 CP#43 completed
380010 - ...... CT1 part of Stage 3 CW-IMS Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080214 history 2007/11/14 20/02/2009 CP#43 completed
521020 - ...... (IETF) Stage 3 CW-IMS (salud-alert-info-urns) Rel-8 09/12/2014


CP-080214 history 2011/06/20 09/04/2021 9/4/21: RFC 7462 added;
380011 - ...... CT3 part of Stage 3 CW-IMS Rel-8 C3 04/12/2008


CP-080214 history 2007/11/14 21/11/2008 CP#42 completed
370103 CH8_IMS ... IMS Charging Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070621 history 2007/09/15 23/03/2008 SP#39 completed
370003 - ...... Add Interconnection Border Control Function (IBCF) to IMS Charging Rel-8 S5 12/03/2008


SP-070621 history 2007/09/15 23/03/2008 SP#39 completed
380042 - ...... Advice of Charge (AoC) support in IMS Charging Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070739 history 2005/06/17 23/02/2009 SP#43 completed