Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP active work programme

Click on UID to show list of all TSs and TRs associated with this work item.

Click on WI code to see a list of TSs and TRs specifically resulting from this work item.

Click on the percentage completion to see a list of approved Change Requests associated with this work item.

The "impact" shows an empirical best-guess of which TSs and TRs are likely to be modified as a result of the WI.

Work Items which have been abandoned are greyed out, and the TSG meeting at which they were abandoned is shown in the final column.

UID code title release lead body completion %
WID TDoc WID history created date last updated remarks abandoned
360010 OSA8 Open Service Access (OSA) Rel-8 Rel-8 C5, S1 30/05/2008


SP-070692 history 2005/03/22 30/08/2010 SP#40 maintenance & new OSA work moved to OMA. Rel-9 onwards 3GPP references to 22.127 changed to OMA Parlay Service Access Requirements (OMA-RD-Parlay_Service_Access-V1_0-20100427-A).
360004 - ... OSA Stage 1 - Service Requirements Rel-8 S1 12/03/2008


history 2005/03/22 30/08/2010 SP#40 maintenance & new OSA work moved to OMA. Rel-9 onwards 3GPP references to 22.127 changed to OMA Parlay Service Access Requirements (OMA-RD-Parlay_Service_Access-V1_0-20100427-A).
370034 OSA8-IMSReq ... OSA Stage 1 - NGN Service Requirement Rel-8 S1 14/03/2008


SP-070692 history 2007/10/02 02/08/2010 SP#40 maintenance & new OSA work moved to OMA
360005 OSA8-IMS ... Rel-8 OSA Stage 2/3 enhancements Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2005/12/14 02/08/2010 SP#40 maintenance & new OSA work moved to OMA
370012 - ...... Deleted - Ensure Parlay-X composable with identity management frameworks, in particular Liberty Alliance Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/09/13 24/03/2009 CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
370013 - ...... Parlay-X Content Management web service (store/manage meta-data) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/09/13 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
370014 - ...... Parlay-X Policy web service Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/09/13 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
370015 - ...... Parlay-X Terminal status web service Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/09/13 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
370016 - ...... Deleted - Identify communication format used by a particular application Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/09/13 24/03/2009 CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380047 - ...... Deleted - Security on User Profile Management - reuse GUP API (22.127 CR 0084 S1-071794) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380048 - ...... Deleted - Privacy on Subscriber Identity (Liberty Alliance, OASIS) (22.127 CR 0085 S1-071835) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380049 - ...... Deleted - Topology Hiding (22.127 CR 0086 S1-071838) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380050 - ...... Deleted - Subscriber event notification (22.127 CR 0087 S1-071836) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380051 - ...... Deleted - Event notification (22.127 CR 0088 S1-071762) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380052 - ...... Deleted - Access policy (22.127 CR 0089 S1-071763) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380053 - ...... Deleted - API usage accounting (22.127 CR 0090 S1-071792) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
380054 - ...... Presence alignment with OMA and IETF (22.127 CR 0092 S1-071764) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
380055 - ...... Deleted - Service identification (22.127 CR 0095 S1-071837) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2007/12/05 24/03/2009 SP#38 SP-070853 R8 CRs 22.127 OSA Stage 1. CP#40: Work moved to OMA CP-40
390067 - ...... Framework Enterprise Operator (Service Subscription function) Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2008/03/26 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
390068 - ...... Mobility Emergency Location Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2008/03/26 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
390069 - ...... Connectivity Manager SCF Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2008/03/26 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed
390070 - ...... PAM Presence Agent Rel-8 C5 30/05/2008


CP-080429 history 2008/03/26 19/01/2009 CP#40 completed