Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP active work programme

Click on UID to show list of all TSs and TRs associated with this work item.

Click on WI code to see a list of TSs and TRs specifically resulting from this work item.

Click on the percentage completion to see a list of approved Change Requests associated with this work item.

The "impact" shows an empirical best-guess of which TSs and TRs are likely to be modified as a result of the WI.

Work Items which have been abandoned are greyed out, and the TSG meeting at which they were abandoned is shown in the final column.

UID code title release lead body completion %
WID TDoc WID history created date last updated remarks abandoned
340063 OAM8 Rel-8 Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) Rel-8 C4, C1, S5 07/12/2012


history 2007/03/08 02/08/2010 OAM8 is an umbrella Feature also for OAM&P related TEI8 type of changes that are not part of any other dedicated feature/WI
340064 OAM8-NIM ... Rel-8 Network Infrastructure Management Rel-8 S5 04/12/2009


history 2007/07/13 24/03/2009
35051 - ...... Telecom Management Methodology Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070296 history 2005/06/17 23/02/2009 SP#43 completed
35053 - ...... Advanced Alarming on Itf-N Rel-8 S5 12/06/2008


SP-070492 history 2005/06/17 04/06/2008 SP#40 completed
35056 - ...... CN CS Bearer Transport Network (BTN) relative NRM Rel-8 S5 12/06/2008


SP-070300 history 2005/06/17 28/04/2008 SP#40 completed
390016 - ...... Alignment with eTOM and M.3060 architectural concepts Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-080068 history 2007/09/15 25/11/2008 SP#42 completed
400030 - ...... IRP SOAP Solution Sets Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-090148 history 2007/09/15 11/08/2009 SP#43 completed
450052 - ...... Create missing specifications for IRP XML definitions Rel-8 S5 04/12/2009


SP-090553 history 2009/09/11 01/12/2009 SP#46 completed. Create missing XML definitions specs for IRPs (Advanced Alarm Management, Communication Surveillance, Self-Configuration of Network Elements, Software Management) needed for implementation of Rel-8 Notification Log IRP (TS 32.33x)
370002 - ...... Deleted - End point modelling for reference point Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-070618 history 2007/09/15 24/03/2009 SP#41 Work stopped. Contributions related to E-UTRAN/EPC to be submitted to UID_380036 E-UTRAN NRM IRP/ UID_380037 EPC NRM IRP SP-41
340065 OAM8-PM ... Rel-8 Performance Management Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


history 2007/07/13 26/06/2008
35061 - ...... IP bearer network Performance measurement definitions Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-070301 history 2005/06/17 02/08/2010 SP#42 completed
360001 - ...... HSUPA performance measurements Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-070835 history 2007/05/28 25/11/2008 SP#42 completed
360002 - ...... Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for UMTS and GSM Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070299 history 2007/05/28 23/02/2009 SP#43 completed
340066 OAM8-Trace ... Rel-8 Trace Management Rel-8 C4, C1 07/12/2012


history 2007/06/22 10/12/2008
11067 - ...... CT1 part of Service Level Tracing in IMS Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080315 history 2008/03/17 02/08/2010 CP#42 completed
521028 - ...... (IETF) Service Level Tracing in IMS (draft-ietf-insipid-logme-marking) --> RFC 8497 Rel-8 07/12/2012


CP-080315 history 2011/06/20 26/06/2019 26/6/19: 100%->100
531003 - ...... Deleted - (IETF) Service Level Tracing in IMS (draft-dawes-sipping-debug-event) Rel-8 09/12/2011


CP-080315 history 2011/07/29 09/04/2021 9/4/21: 100%->100
400022 - ...... CT4 part of Service Level Tracing in IMS Rel-8 C4 05/12/2008


CP-080315 history 2008/03/17 02/08/2010 CP#42 completed
400021 - ...... Deleted - CT3 part of Service Level Tracing in IMS Rel-8 C3 05/12/2008


CP-080315 history 2008/03/17 02/08/2010 CP#42 stopped (No CT3-impact) CP-42
870081 - ... (IETF) A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) (draft-ietf-ippm-twamp) --> RFC 5357 Rel-8 06/09/2010


history 2007/07/13 24/03/2009