Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP active work programme

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Click on WI code to see a list of TSs and TRs specifically resulting from this work item.

Click on the percentage completion to see a list of approved Change Requests associated with this work item.

The "impact" shows an empirical best-guess of which TSs and TRs are likely to be modified as a result of the WI.

Work Items which have been abandoned are greyed out, and the TSG meeting at which they were abandoned is shown in the final column.

UID code title release lead body completion %
WID TDoc WID history created date last updated remarks abandoned
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8 S5, RP 12/03/2009


RP-080747 history 2006/06/21 18/12/2009 RP#43 completed. Role model for SAE/LTE system wide project management by SA2 in SP-060166
330018 LTE-Phys ... LTE – Physical Layer Rel-8 R1 07/03/2008


RP-080747 history 2006/03/21 18/12/2009 RP#39 completed
330019 LTE-L23 ... LTE – Radio Interface Layer 2 and 3 Protocol Aspect Rel-8 R2 05/12/2008


RP-080747 history 2006/03/21 18/12/2009 RP#42 completed
330020 LTE-interfaces ... LTE – eUTRAN Interfaces Rel-8 R3 05/12/2008


RP-080747 history 2006/03/21 18/12/2009 RP#42 completed
330021 LTE-RF ... LTE – Evolved UTRA and UTRAN RF Radio Transmission/Reception, System Performance Requirements and Conformance Testing Rel-8 R4 05/12/2008


RP-080747 history 2006/03/21 16/03/2010 RP#42 completed. RP#47 abandoned draft 36.801, 36.803, 36.804
370046 LTE-Repeaters ... LTE – FDD repeaters Rel-8 R4 06/03/2009


RP-070749 history 2007/10/01 16/03/2010 RP#43 completed. RP#47 create Rel-9 TR 36.956 (see R4-100386, RP-100320_RAN4 Report)
390001 E-UTRAN-OAM ... E-UTRAN Data Definitions Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


history 2005/06/17 03/03/2008 SP#43 completed
370001 - ...... Subscriber and Equipment Trace for E-UTRAN and EPC Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070617 history 2007/09/15 29/07/2010 SP#43 completed
380036 - ...... E-UTRAN Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP) Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070738 history 2005/06/17 29/07/2010 SP#43 completed
390002 - ...... Performance measurements for E-UTRAN Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-080062 history 2005/06/17 29/07/2010 SP#43 completed
390003 - ...... Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for E-UTRAN Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-080063 history 2005/06/17 23/02/2009 SP#43 completed
390004 LTE_SON-OAM ... Self-Organizing Networks (SON) Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-080275 history 2005/06/17 01/12/2008 SP#42 completed (WT UID_390007 moved to Rel-9)
390104 - ...... SON Concepts and requirements Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-080275 history 2005/06/17 25/11/2008 SP#42 completed
390005 - ...... Self-Establishment of eNBs, including automated Software Management Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-080849 history 2005/06/17 22/03/2010 SP#42 completed
390006 - ...... SON Automatic Neighbour Relations (ANR) List Management Rel-8 S5 11/12/2008


SP-080066 history 2005/06/17 01/12/2008 SP#42 completed